
Exercise and Rehabilitate using Isometric Exercise

Exercise and rehabilitate using Isometric Exercise

Isometric exercises have been used for rehabilitation of joints and muscles for some time now. The benefit of doing isometrics as opposed to using weights is that isometrics are done in a fixed position so no movement takes place, and there is no weight bearing taking place.

These exercises can be safely done daily and no special equipment is required. For shoulder rehabilitation for example, you can push into a wall like you are doing push-ups in the standing position for 5 to 10 seconds. Side lateral raises can be done against a wall also, standing sideways to a wall just try to raise your arm outward against the wall. Depending on the injury, you should apply as much pressure as you feel you can do.

When performing isometrics you can do pushing and pulling movements. They can be done against a wall, doorway, sitting in a chair or any other situation you can think of. Also you may want to train the muscle from two or three positions so you can gain strength for more of the range of motion.

There is nothing exciting about doing isometrics but they do have their benefits. Those benefits are primarily for rehabilitation but now they are being used more frequently for regular strength building. Being that it is a non weight bearing exercise it can be done on off days or light workout days as a supplemental weight training workout. For medical rehabilitation, your doctor can prescribe a set of workouts for you or if you just want to take it easy from your regular workouts you can try them on your own.

How do You do Isometric Exercises?

Isometric exercises are simple to do, for the chest place the palms of your hands together out in front of you. Push them together hard till you feel the tension in your chest. If you push hard enough you will start to shake a little, hold for five seconds or more. Vary the position you hold your hands in front of you to target the chest from different angles.
For your back you can place your hands palms down on a table and push down hard, you can feel the tension in the back. Again vary the position of the hands on the table to target the different muscle groups of the back.
For your biceps place your palms together one on top of the other in front of you and push together, alternate hands.If you do these from different angles you can give your muscles a more varied workout. You are only limited to your imagination as to what you can do for exercises, try anything.

Isometric Exercise for the Abs

You can effectively develop stronger abs by doing various isometric exercises.
Strengthening your abs or core will help stabilize your body and may relieve some back problems. Your abs and mid section are put into action in most of the movements you make. You have layers of abominable muscle that each have different functions.
The muscles at the outer layer assist with your movement while the deeper muscles help support the spine.
If you have not tried the Plank, your missing out on a good core exercise. It's simple to do, just lay face down while holding your self up on your toes and your forearms. You must keep your back as straight as possible and concentrate on pulling your stomach muscles in. It may not be comfortable at first and try to hold for a few second at least.
As you get stronger, you will find that you can hold the plank position for 30 seconds or more.If this is difficult for you to do you can support yourself on your knees instead of your toes. As you get stronger try to move to the toes.

Isometric Exercise Done With a Stick

Have you tried using a stick or broom handle to do your isometric exercises? Using a tool like this can add another dimension to your routine. You can use a stick by simply holding it in your hands and pushing and pulling with it in front of you, behind you and over your head.
Vary the distance between your hands from close together to far apart to hit the muscles at different angles. Try placing one end of the stick on the ground in front of you and pushing down on it with both hands or each hand separately, this will target your back and your abs. There are many ways you can do isometric exercises like this. You should hold each movement for at least 7 seconds.