Exercise Anywhere at Anytime !
Too busy to exercise? Don't worry, here are some exercises that you can carry out in any place at any time even when you are waiting for the next appointment:
You can lie down on the floor with your feet up on something, such as a couch. Support your neck with the help of cushion and place your buttocks as near as possible to the couch. Lock your elbows. After that slowly raise your head off the ground and hold it for 2 seconds. Finally slowly come down. You can repeat this exercise 20 times to make one set. You can feel that you are building up your abs.
Toes exercise.
Stand on a floor by holding on to something to balance yourself. Then slowly raise your toes as high as possible. Hold on the position for 2 seconds and come down very gently. Repeat these exercise 20 times to make one set.
Push ups.
This is a common exercise and you may know this very well. Push up your body, hold onto 2 seconds and slowly bring down your body back to the starting position. Practice this exercise 20 times per set.
Wall Squat.
This exercise can firm up your lower body. Standing straight with you back against the wall. After that slowly move your body down to the siting position. Hold on the position for 15 seconds and then gently move up your body. Please make sure your body against the wall in the whole exercise. Practice this exercise 20 times per set.