
Exercise: Secrets to Lose Fat Faster Than Ever Before

Exercise: Secrets to Lose Fat Faster Than Ever Before

Cardio is a great way to lose fat because when you do aerobic exercises oxygen is be used. And to burn fat your body need oxygen as well.

However another statement is also true your body adapts very quickly and it needs constantly new challenges.

For example in the beginning of your fat loss programme you could get away with running on treadmill for twenty minutes a day three times a week. However after a while this workout is far to easy for your body, your metabolism will not increase anymore and therefore it does not burn the desired amount of calories.

To lose more fat with cardio you need to challenge your workouts a little bit.

Increase duration

The first thing you need to do is to increase the duration of your aerobics. Do always a minimum of thirty minutes per session if your goal is fat loss. Perhaps this amount does not produce enough results for you.

The most logical step is to increase the duration incrementally by five to ten minutes per session. Review the increase of duration systematically on a weekly base. Most people find out that doing cardio for forty to forty-five minutes is the optimal duration.

Increase frequency

Increasing your duration beyond sixty minutes will work counterproductive. Start with a minimum of three days per week of cardio workouts. To increase the rate of fat loss add one day per week until you reach six or seven days per week.

Doing cardio training seven days a week for months is excessive. However if you want to break trough a fat loss plateau doing cardio for six to seven days per week is recommended for a period ranging from one to twelve weeks.

Improve food choices

It is almost impossible to out train a bad diet. Think about it you only spend a few hours a week in the gym so food choices do play a very important role. First of all increase your intake of good fats and decrease your intake of bad fats. Try to eat at least one food that contain complex protein with every meal. Eat fruit in moderation but do not drink refined fruit juices. Eat breakfast but do not eat white bread with your breakfast or just in general. With bread contains refined flower and refined flower is a food that truly makes you fat.

Incorporate high intensity interval training

Perhaps your nutrition is already in place so therefore it is recommend to incorporate HIIT training. A good beginners HIIT exercise would be the walk-jog interval training. Walk for one minute, jog for one minute and then repeat as much as possible.

With HIIT training the combination are almost endless. For example you can challenge yourself with a 30/30 session. Walk for thirty seconds and thereafter run for thirty seconds and repeat as much as possible. You can challenge yourself with doing the workout on a hill. Within a few weeks or months walking and jogging may be to easy for you so you can try a run/sprint workout as well.

However to lose more fat with HIIT training you should change your workouts every four to six weeks in order to keep it fresh.


Exercise: Interval Training Fitness

Exercise: Interval Training Fitness

When it comes to exercise, the word 'intervals' puts fear in many peoples minds.
Intervals are sometimes misunderstood but adding them to your exercise program can help you burn fat and
get in shape quicker.

Intervals are not for everyone. To begin performing intervals, you should be in good condition and a physical from your doctor is highly recommended.

What are intervals?

The easiest definition would be periods of high intensity exercise followed by recovery periods of low intensity exercise.

Here's an example. You are following a walking program and have been walking briskly for thirty minutes a day, four days a week. You feel pretty good but would like to lose weight a little quicker.

Intervals might be perfect for you. Begin your regular walking program and, after five minutes, jog for ten, twenty, thirty seconds or more. Your heart rate will begin to increase and your breathing will pick up after this period, return to walking briskly until you have completely recovered. You then begin to jog again.

In the beginning you may only want to perform two or three of these short jogs. That's fine. Do what's comfortable for you. Later, as you become more accustomed to this routine, you can add more jogs or increase the length of time you jog or both.

During each period of jogging, your heart rate has increased. When you stop jogging and continue walking, your heart rate will be at an increased rate for a minute or so. This is an added benefit. During aerobic exercise you want your heart rate to increase, which makes it stronger and makes you healthier.

Intervals work great on a treadmill. You can increase the speed for however long you want, or you can increase the height, so you are walking at the same pace only going uphill.

This is interval training at a low level but you still get benefits from it. You can follow a similar routine in your other aerobic exercise as well.

For instance, if you are riding a bike for exercise, every so often pedal faster until you begin breathing heavier, and then return to riding as before.

You can see that interval training is not only for athletes. It's one of the fastest and most effective means of reaching a top level of fitness and decreasing body fat.

Do these three or four days a week and watch your fitness level go up while your pounds begin to disappear.


Alkalizing Your Blood

Alkalizing Your Blood

Is it true that each food that you eat can cause your blood to become more alkaline or acidic?

The answer is: not really. The pH of your blood is tightly regulated by a complex system of buffers that are continuously at work to maintain a range of 7.35 to 7.45, which is slightly more alkaline than pure water.

If the pH of your blood falls below 7.35, the result is a condition called acidosis, a state that leads to central nervous system depression. Severe acidosis - where blood pH falls below 7.00 - can lead to a coma and even death.

If the pH of your blood rises above 7.45, the result is alkalosis. Severe alkalosis can also lead to death, but through a different mechanism - alkalosis causes all of the nerves in your body to become hypersensitive and over-excitable, often resulting in muscle spasms, nervousness, and convulsions; it's usually the convulsions that cause death in severe cases.

The bottom line is that if you're out and about, your body is doing an adequate job of keeping your blood pH somewhere between 7.35 to 7.45, and the foods that you are eating are not causing any wild deviations of your blood pH.

So what's up with all the hype about the need to alkalize your body? And what's to be made of the claim that being too acidic can cause osteoporosis, kidney stones, and a number of other undesirable health challenges?

As usual, the answers to such questions about human health can be found by understanding basic principles of human physiology. So let's take a look at the fundamentals of pH and how your body regulates the acid-alkaline balance of its fluids on a moment-to-moment basis.

pH is a measure of how acidic or alkaline a liquid is. With respect to your health, the liquids involved are your body fluids, which can be categorized into the following two main groups:
Intracellular fluid, which is the fluid found in all of your cells. Intracellular fluid is often called cytosol, and makes up about two-thirds of the total amount of fluid in your body.

Extracellular fluid, which is the fluid found outside of your cells. Extracellular fluids are further classified as one of two types:

Plasma, which is fluid that makes up your blood.
Interstitial fluid, which occupies all of the spaces that surround your tissues. Interstitial fluid includes the fluids found in your eyes, lymphatic system, joints, nervous system, and between the protective membranes that surround your cardiovascular, respiratory, and abdominal cavities.

Your blood (plasma) needs to maintain a pH of 7.35 to 7.45 for your cells to function properly. Why your cells require your blood to maintain a pH in this range to stay healthy is beyond the scope of this article, but the most important reason is that all of the proteins that work in your body have to maintain a specific geometric shape to function, and the three-dimensional shapes of the proteins in your body are affected by the tiniest changes in the pH of your body fluids.

The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. A liquid that has a pH of 7 is considered to be neutral (pure water is generally considered to have a neutral pH). Fluids that have a pH below 7 - like lemon juice and coffee - are considered to be acidic. And fluids that have a pH above 7 - like human blood and milk of magnesia - are considered to be alkaline.

It's important to note that on the pH scale, each number represents a tenfold difference from adjacent numbers; in other words, a liquid that has a pH of 6 is ten times more acidic than a liquid that has a pH of 7, and a liquid with a pH of 5 is one hundred times more acidic than pure water. Most carbonated soft drinks (pop) have a pH of about 3, making them about ten thousand times more acidic than pure water. Please remember this the next time you think about drinking a can of pop.

When you ingest foods and liquids, the end products of digestion and assimilation of nutrients often results in an acid or alkaline-forming effect - the end products are sometimes called acid ash or alkaline ash.

Also, as your cells produce energy on a continual basis, a number of different acids are formed and released into your body fluids. These acids - generated by your everyday metabolic activities - are unavoidable; as long as your body has to generate energy to survive, it will produce a continuous supply of acids.

So there are two main forces at work on a daily basis that can disrupt the pH of your body fluids - these forces are the acid or alkaline-forming effects of foods and liquids that you ingest, and the acids that you generate through regular metabolic activities. Fortunately, your body has three major mechanisms at work at all times to prevent these forces from shifting the pH of your blood outside of the 7.35 to 7.45 range.

These mechanisms are:

Buffer Systems

Carbonic Acid-Bicarbonate Buffer System
Protein Buffer System
Phosphate Buffer System

Exhalation of Carbon Dioxide

Elimination of Hydrogen Ions via Kidneys

It's not in the scope of this article to discuss the mechanisms listed above in detail. For this article, I only want to point out that these systems are in place to prevent dietary, metabolic, and other factors from pushing the pH of your blood outside of the 7.35 to 7.45 range.

When people encourage you to "alkalize your blood," most of them mean that you should eat plenty of foods that have an alkaline-forming effect on your system. The reason for making this suggestion is that the vast majority of highly processed foods - like white flour products and white sugar - have an acid-forming effect on your system, and if you spend years eating a poor diet that is mainly acid-forming, you will overwork some of the buffering systems mentioned above to a point where you could create undesirable changes in your health.

For example, your phosphate buffer system uses different phosphate ions in your body to neutralize strong acids and bases. About 85% of the phosphate ions that are used in your phosphate buffer system comes from calcium phosphate salts, which are structural components of your bones and teeth. If your body fluids are regularly exposed to large quantities of acid-forming foods and liquids, your body will draw upon its calcium phosphate reserves to supply your phosphate buffer system to neutralize the acid-forming effects of your diet. Over time, this may lead to structural weakness in your bones and teeth.

Drawing on your calcium phosphate reserves at a high rate can also increase the amount of calcium that is eliminated via your genito-urinary system, which is why a predominantly acid-forming diet can increase your risk of developing calcium-rich kidney stones.

This is just one example of how your buffering systems can be overtaxed to a point where you experience negative health consequences. Since your buffering systems have to work all the time anyway to neutralize the acids that are formed from everyday metabolic activities, it's in your best interest to follow a diet that doesn't create unnecessary work for your buffering systems.

Acid and Alkaline-Forming Effects of Common Foods

Generally speaking, most vegetables and fruits have an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids.
Most grains, animal foods, and highly processed foods have an acid-forming effect on your body fluids.
Your health is best served by a good mix of nutrient-dense, alkaline and acid-forming foods; ideally, you want to eat more alkaline-forming foods than acid-forming foods to have the net acid and alkaline-forming effects of your diet match the slightly alkaline pH of your blood.
The following lists indicate which common foods have an alkaline-forming effect on your body fluids, and which ones result in acid ash formation when they are digested and assimilated into your system.

Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Alkaline-Forming Effect











Sweet, seedless grapes







Vegetable juices



Alfalfa sprouts









Most herbs





Foods that have a Moderate to Strong Acid-Forming Effect


Soft drinks (pop)



White sugar



Artificial sweeteners

Antibiotics (and most drugs)

White flour products (including pasta)


White vinegar


Most boxed cereals


Most beans

Flesh meats

Most types of bread

Please note that these lists of acid and alkaline-forming foods are not comprehensive, nor are they meant to be.

If you're eating mainly grains, flour products, animal foods, and washing these foods down with coffee, soda, and milk, you will almost certainly improve your health by replacing some of your food and beverage choices with fresh vegetables and fruits.

The primary purpose of this article is to offer information that explains why I believe that you don't need to take one or more nutritional supplements for the sole purpose of alkalizing your body. Your body is already designed to keep the pH of your body fluids in a tight, slightly alkaline range.

The ideal scenario is to make fresh vegetables and fruits the centerpieces of your diet, and to eat small amounts of any other nutrient-dense foods that your appetite calls for and that experience shows your body can tolerate.


Exercise Anywhere at Anytime!

Exercise Anywhere at Anytime !

Too busy to exercise? Don't worry, here are some exercises that you can carry out in any place at any time even when you are waiting for the next appointment:

You can lie down on the floor with your feet up on something, such as a couch. Support your neck with the help of cushion and place your buttocks as near as possible to the couch. Lock your elbows. After that slowly raise your head off the ground and hold it for 2 seconds. Finally slowly come down. You can repeat this exercise 20 times to make one set. You can feel that you are building up your abs.

Toes exercise.
Stand on a floor by holding on to something to balance yourself. Then slowly raise your toes as high as possible. Hold on the position for 2 seconds and come down very gently. Repeat these exercise 20 times to make one set.

Push ups.
This is a common exercise and you may know this very well. Push up your body, hold onto 2 seconds and slowly bring down your body back to the starting position. Practice this exercise 20 times per set.

Wall Squat.
This exercise can firm up your lower body. Standing straight with you back against the wall. After that slowly move your body down to the siting position. Hold on the position for 15 seconds and then gently move up your body. Please make sure your body against the wall in the whole exercise. Practice this exercise 20 times per set.


Steps To A Low Glycemic Index Diet

Steps To A Low Glycemic Index Diet

Over the last 30 years, research into food and blood glucose response has completely changed our carbohydrate classification system.

It has been learned that it is impossible to predict the impact on blood glucose levels by certain foods, instead people are fed carbohydrate foods and the response measured.

This response is known as the Glycemic Index (GI), it is a measure of how quickly carbohydrate foods are digested and absorbed, and ranks carbohydrate foods according to their impact on blood sugar (glucose) levels: as indicted by elevated blood glucose.

Foods with a high GI are absorbed quickly into the blood stream and cause a rapid rise in blood glucose levels. While foods with a low GI are broken down more slowly over time and keep blood glucose levels more stable (Remember that low is slow!).

Some carbohydrate foods will maintain your energy levels for hours, while some may cause your blood glucose to rise and fall.

Different types of carbohydrate can also affect feelings of fullness in the stomach and this can influence hunger and your ability to control your body weight.

Why is the GI important?

When our blood glucose levels are stable we have plenty of readily available fuel for the brain and muscles. If our blood glucose levels drop too low (hypoglycaemia) we feel tired, dizzy and generally unwell.

If our blood glucose levels rise too quickly a rapid drop usually follows this.

Include low glycemic index foods in meals and snacks to slow the release of glucose into the bloodstream.

A low glycemic index snack a few hours before exercise will help maintain your energy levels for more effective training.

After high intensity exercise (strength training) a high glycemic index snack should be consumed within 30 minutes. This will help to replace energy and start the recovery process.

Low-GI foods take longer to digest and help delay hunger pangs that little bit more and thus promote weight loss. So please choose your carbs carefully as this will lower your insulin levels and burn more fat.

The secret is to swap high GI foods with low GI foods.

Steps to a low GI diet

• Start with a healthy, well balanced and varied diet based on a good nutrition program. The diet should be low in fats, moderate in carbohydrate and protein. The program should be high in fibre and contain a varied amount of foods to provide the required amount of vitamins and minerals.

• Look at the type of carbohydrates that you consume during the day. Look at the carbs that you eat the most, as these will have the most dramatic impact on your diet.

Try to change the carbs you eat the most with at least one low GI one. (Replace potato with sweet potato, use noodles instead of rice) By substituting half of your daily carbohydrate from high GI to low GI will result in an overall reduction in the GI of your diet.

Reducing the GI in your diet reduces your insulin levels and increases the fat burning apparatus in your body.

Try to reduce the high GI's in your diet by substituting them with low GI's. Regular consumption of low GI foods increases the feelings of fullness and satisfaction and so prevents weight gain.

Try taking in six small meals a day of healthy low fat low GI foods to prevent overeating at meal times and control appetite. Remember, that it is also important to look at the calories in food to.

Rice and bread might be low in fat but when your body is burning the carbohydrates in these foods it doesn't burn as much fat. So if you are on a low fat diet, you won’t lose as much weight if your calories are still high.

Have a look at the table below for the different GI food ratings.

Low GI (<50)>)

Grapefruit (26) / Pineapple (66) / Cornflakes (80)

Baked Beans (15) / Raisins (64) / W/M Bread (72)

Lentils (29) / Sweet corn (59) / Brown Rice (80)

Peanuts (13) / Potato Chips (51) / Carrots (92)

Soy Beans (15) / All bran (51) / Baked Potato (98)

Compare these two menus and try to adjust your diet accordingly.

High GI Menu

Breakfast: 40 Grams of cornflakes with milk. Two slices of whole meal toast with margarine and jam.

Snack: Two sweet biscuits with a white coffee.

Lunch: Ham and salad whole meal Roll with an apple.

Snack: Four crackers with cottage cheese and chives

Main Meal: Serving of Roast chicken with a large baked potato and peas. Small piece of cake.

Low GI Menu

Breakfast: 40 Grams of bran with low fat milk. Two slices of low GI toast (Try Burgen) with margarine and jam.

Snack: Two oatmeal biscuits with a coffee (Low fat milk).

Lunch: Ham and salad Roll (Low GI bread). Soft-serve vanilla yoghurt with toasted muesli sprinkled on top.

Snack: Two bananas.

Main Meal: Serving of Roast chicken with a small baked potato and peas. Two scoops of low fat ice cream with half a cup of canned peaches.

Chicken, beef, fish, eggs, nuts, and avocados contain very little or no carbohydrates. These foods if eaten by themselves will not have much effect on your glucose levels and are very low GI.

Alcoholic beverages especially wine are also low GI so can be included in your diet but remember to count them in your daily caloric intake.

In conclusion low GI foods are ideal for losing weight due to the slow absorption from the stomach.

Low GI foods also help to keep blood sugar levels more stable and this has an effect on reducing sweet cravings.

Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight Fast!

Cardio Exercises to Lose Weight Fast!

If you want to lose weight and give a pleasant shape to your body in a record time you should start doing more cardio exercises. Cardio exercises done at the right intensity are one of the best ways of burning the excess fat really fast.

The secret of a good cardio workout is to exercise until you start sweating. After you start sweating you have to sustain that rhythm for at least 20 minutes for maximum fat burning results.

If you want to really accelerate your weight loss you should exercise for around 1 hour. Do the cardio exercise at a higher intensity for 20 minutes, take a 3 minutes break and then increase the intensity for 20 minutes once more. Do this 3 times. During the 3 minutes break you don't stop moving.

For example if you choose to go jogging, you can run for 20 minutes, then walk for 3 and so on. Do this every day for 2 whole weeks and I guarantee you will lose at least 8 pounds.

This exercise system is so good at burning fat because when the intensity of the cardio exercise gets increased your body uses up a lot of energy to get your body under normal operating conditions.

Your heart starts beating faster than normal and the blood flow will get increased through your body. To lower your blood flow your body needs to use up lots of energy.

When you exercise with great intensity your metabolic rate also gets increased. A faster metabolism equals more calories burned. You practically turn your body in a fat burning furnace.

If you exercise frequently you increase your overall metabolism meaning that you burn more fats all day long. Just one cool side effect of exercising regularly.

Cardio exercises aren't only good for weight loss. Your cardiovascular system and heart will benefit tremendously form them. You significantly reduce the chance of getting any disease related to your heart or cardiovascular system. Considering that heart problems are one of the top reasons people die daily I consider this a fabulous bonus.

All you have to do now is start doing more cardio exercises to lose weight and become healthier. I wish you good luck.


Three Techniques to Sculpt an Amazing Body at Home With Dumbell and Bodyweight Exercises

Exercise: Three Techniques to Sculpt an Amazing Body at Home With Dumbell and Bodyweight Exercises

The key to achieving your goals - whether they be fat loss or general heart and lung health - is to find something that is exciting and challenging.

An exciting, challenging, and effective workout is to perform fast paced bodyweight and dumbbell exercises.
The key is to keep your heart rate up during your workouts.
After all, isn't that what cardio is supposed to be?

Here's a few sample techniques you can use to design your own high intensity "cardio" workouts:

Technique #1: Interval Circuits

Choose 1-2 Bodyweight Exercises
Choose 1-2 Dumbbell Exercises
Choose a Work Interval (20-60 seconds)
Choose a Rest Interval (10-60 seconds)

Instructions: Perform an exercise for the chosen work interval. Once that interval is completed move onto the next exercise immediately, without rest, and perform it for the chose time period. After all exercises are completed, then rest for the chose rest interval. Repeat as desired.

Technique #2: Descending Reps

Choose 1 Bodyweight Exercise
Choose 1 Dumbbell Exercise

Instructions: Alternate between a bodyweight and dumbbell exercise. After each round, reduce the number of repetitions you perform for each exercise by 1-3 repetitions. Perform as many rounds as you like.

Technique #3: Trisets

Choose 2 Bodyweight Exercises
Choose 1 Dumbbell Exercise

Instructions: Perform all three exercises back to back with little to no rest in between each set. At the end of the triset, you may rest if you wish. Perform as many rounds as you like.

Use these three high intensity techniques to design some challenging bodyweight and dumbbell "cardio" workouts. Good luck with your training!


Amazing Leg Circuits For Women

Amazing Leg Circuits For Women

Your legs are your foundation and without them you cannot achieve a superior level of total-body fitness! This is why I have included a killer leg circuit for you ladies to include into your personal program. Women's fitness is about to reach a whole new level with this workout. Train hard.

To begin this workout all you will need is some flat open space and the will to push yourself through the pain.
Start out by standing with your feet about shoulder width distance apart. Immediately begin an alternating set of side lunges going from the right leg to the left leg. Each time you lunge on each side count that as a single repetition. Perform 10 of these at a continuous and fluent pace.
As soon as you are finished immediately transition into a set of 10 squat jumps. Perform each jump in continuous succession not stopping or pausing between each jump. This is great for both lean muscular development and total cardiovascular fitness.
When you finish the round of squat jumps immediately cycle into doing a set of squat thrusts.
Make sure you crouch down to place your hands on the ground, then kick your feet back until your body is in an upright push-up position, and then kick your feet back up underneath you to stand back up. Perform a set of 10 squat thrusts.
As soon as you wrap up the squat thrusts immediately flow into to doing a set of 10 cycled split squat jumps (on each leg). This is where you start in a lunge position. From the lunge position vertically jump and switch your legs in mid air landing with the opposite leg in front of you in a proper lunge position.
Once again, the key to this is to maintain a continuous and fluent motion of cycled jumps. When you finish these you can stop to rest.

If you want to develop some seriously fit and strong legs give this mean little circuit a try. Attempt to execute at least 3 good rounds of this circuit to start out. Trust me, 3 rounds of this killer leg circuit and you have yourself a workout! Train hard and enjoy.


Regular intake of polyphenols elevates brain levels

Regular intake of polyphenols elevates brain levels

An article appearing online in advance of the publication of the September, 2009 issue of the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease revealed that regular intake of grape seed polyphenols effectively elevates plasma and brain levels of the compounds.

Polyphenols are believed to protect against the formation of beta-amyloid, a toxic protein that forms in the brains of Alzheimer's disease patients which may be responsible for some the disease's damaging effects. Earlier research had found that little, if any, polyphenols reached the brain following ingestion; however, these experiments evaluated polyphenol levels following single or sporadic dosing.

Purdue University associate professor of food science Mario Ferruzzi, in collaboration with Giulio Pasinetti, MD of Mount Sinai School of Medicine, administered three different doses of a grape seed polyphenol extract to rats by intragastric gavage.

The polyphenols gallic acid, catechin and epicatechin, and their metabolites were found in plasma in dose-dependent levels after one dose of the extract. Plasma levels measured after ten days of continual ingestion doubled in comparison with levels measured after just one polyphenol dose.

Importantly, although epicatechin and catechin were not detectable in the brains of the animals after one dose, they reached significant levels following ten days of administration. "This shows that reasonable and chronic consumption of these products may be the way to go, rather than single, high doses, similar to drugs," Dr Ferruzzi explained.

"It's like eating an apple a day, not a case of apples over two days every month."

"The most important thing is that when we follow the repetitive administration of this compound, we were able to observe the transfer of the compound to the brain," noted Dr Pasinetti, who is the Aidekman Family Professor in Neurology and director of the Center of Excellence for Novel Approaches to Neurotherapeutics.

"This may help us figure out the proper concentration necessary to get these chemicals to the brain."

Dr Ferruzzi observed that their discovery may be relevant to the delivery of other compounds and drugs. "It could become important in terms of side effects," Ferruzzi said. "You could be overdosing because the body is adapting and absorbing or metabolizing these compounds differently over time."

He added that future research will seek to determine the mechanisms that govern the absorption of compounds during chronic consumption.


Lycopene linked to healthier blood vessels

Lycopene linked to healthier blood vessels

Higher levels of lycopene in the blood are associated with lower stiffness in the arteries, says a new study supporting the heart health benefits of the carotenoid.

Women with the highest levels of lycopene also had the lowest levels of oxidized LDL-cholesterol, according to a study with 264 women published in the journal Atherosclerosis.
Oxidation of LDLs is thought to play an important role in the development of atherosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Increasing LDL's resistance to oxidation is thought to possibly delay the progression of the disease.

“Our finding suggests that serum concentrations of lycopene may play a important role in the early stage of atherosclerosis,” wrote the researchers, led by Jong Ho Lee from the Department of Food and Nutrition at Yonsei University in South Korea.

“In addition, a reduced oxidative modification of LDL such as low oxidised LDL concentration and large LDL particle size may be one of the mechanisms by which lycopene could reduce arterial stiffness and the risk of CVD,” they added.

Lycopene is an antioxidant that is present in red- and pink-coloured fruits and vegetables. It has been shown to have heart, blood pressure, prostate, osteoporosis, skin and other benefits in both natural and synthetic forms.

Study details

The Korean researchers recruited women aged between 31 and 75 and took blood samples in order to measure their blood levels of lycopene, as well as other carotenoids. Arterial stiffness was measured using brachial-ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV).

According to their results, women with the highest average lycopene blood levels (more than 0.0431 millimoles per litre) had the lowest baPWV values, compared to people with the lowest average lycopene blood levels (less that 0.0342 mmol/L).

Furthermore, these women also had lower oxidised LDL levels, as well as larger LDL particles.
Levels of C-reactive protein, a marker of inflammation, were also lower in the women with the highest lycopene levels.

“This result is in line with previous reports that lycopene showed superior antioxidant capability or trend of a decreased atherosclerotic risk compared with other antioxidant such as beta-carotene both in vitro and in humans,” said the researchers.

Source: AtherosclerosisPublished online ahead of print, 13 August 2009, doi: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2009.08.009“Independent inverse relationship between serum lycopene concentration and arterial stiffness”Authors: H.Y. Yoe, O.Y. Kim, H.J. Kim, J.K. Paik, J.Y. Park, J.Y. Kim, S.-H. Lee, J.H. Lee, K.P. Lee, Y. Jang, J.H. Lee


Exercise: Dumbell Squats - 2 Versions For Women to Get a Tight Butt

Exercise: Dumbell Squats - 2 Versions For Women to Get a Tight Butt

For you ladies that are serious about fitness and want to achieve a superior level of fitness then tune in to learn and apply the 2 versions of dumbell squats I have included below.

For the following 2 drills all you will need is a moderately heavy dumbell and the willingness to work.

1. Dumbell Clean And Squat:

For this drill you will start by placing the dumbell right in the middle of your feet.
Your feet should be about shoulder width distance apart.
From here simply squat down to pick up the bell and perform a clean bringing the dumbell to your chest level. From here simply execute a series of front-loaded squats. When you descend in the squat make sure that you go as deep as you can.
As a matter of fact you should try to go deep enough to allow the elbow of the arm that is holding the bell to touch the inside of your knee. Try to execute 15 reps on each side.

2. Dumbell Squat And Lunge Complex:

For this drill simply start just as you did with the clean and squat. Clean the dumbell to your chest. From here execute a squat just as you did before. As soon as you finish the squat then transition into lunging forward with the opposite leg that the dumbell is loaded on.

For instance, if you clean and perform the dumbell squat with the bell in your right hand then after you squat perform a lunge with your left leg.

Count each combination as a single repetition. Attempt to perform 5 repetitions on each side. If you want a tight butt then keep including both of these combinations into your arsenal of dumbell lifts.

Fat-loss and weight-loss will not be too far away after executing these squats into your program.


Exercise: Cardio Power!

Exercise: Cardio Power!

If you want to develop some serious cardiovascular power then you will like this workout.

There is no doubt that the engine of your body is your heart. The cool thing is that in order to increase the power in this engine you have to work it hard. The following workout is designed to do just that.

To start this workout you will need a few things.

You will need a couple of dumbells of moderate weight. You will also need the availability of some flat open space and a couple of markers (cones or even water bottles will do).

Mark off a straight distance of 50 yards. Place a dumbell at each end of the 50 yard running area. Start out at one end of the running path by performing 50 double-arm dumbell swings.

As soon as you finish the swings drop the bell and sprint the 50 yards to the other side.

Recover for a minute and a half and pick up the dumbell at this end and repeat the same thing. Once you finish with completing a round trip (100 swings and 100 yards of sprinting) start the process over, but the second time around change up the style of dumbell lift.

For instance, maybe perform 50 overhead snatches (25 each arm) with the bell before sprinting to the other side.

The goal is to perform 3 round trips with 3 different dumbell drills before each round trip (or set of 100 yard sprints).

This is some serious cardiovascular fitness!
If you incorporate this little workout into your routine then I guarantee your cardiovascular fitness and endurance will drastically improve! Dumbell training will definitely help you to develop some serious cardiovascularpower!


Exercise: Women's Fitness - 2 Drills to Get You to a Greek Goddess Level of Fitness!

Exercise: Women's Fitness - 2 Drills to Get You to a Greek Goddess Level of Fitness!

Women's fitness has always been a misguided field in my opinion.
Women have traditionally thought that intense strength training was for "men" only.

The fear of "bulky" muscles has always been a false fear that has held a lot of women back from gaining their fullest potential in a lot of cases. I am here to help you by allowing you to make progress and not set you back.

A Greek Goddess level of fitness can only be achieved by training with aggression and intensity. However, the more you do so the quicker you will see your results.
Here are 2 dumbell drills that will help you to achieve lean muscle and a fit body you have always wanted.

1. Dumbell Front Squats:

For this particular drill you will need a pair of moderately heavy dumbells of equal weight.

Set the bells on the ground between your feet. Next, squat down an grab the bells to clean to your chest. Once the bells are properly racked in the clean position then you will perform the squat.
The key is to keep the bells loaded in front of your body as you descend. Make sure that you don't lean forward as you lower yourself.
To ensure a full range squat try to lower yourself enough so that your elbows touch the insides of your knees. These are great for building lean muscle and helping you to speed up your metabolism.

2. Dumbell Front Squats To A Press:

For this particular drill you will need the availability of the same pair of kettlebells as mentioned in the first drill.
Perform the usual front squats, but this time at the top of the squat movement simply perform an overhead shoulder press. Make sure that you lock out both your shoulders and elbows.

Perform 8 to 10 of these in continuous succession to start.

It won't be long before your body reaches Greek Goddess level!

Mediterranean diet : Lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, cognitive decline

Mediterranean diet: Lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, cognitive decline

Studies published in the August 12, 2009 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) reveal a decreased risk of Alzheimer's disease (AD) and cognitive decline among individuals who report greater adherence to a Mediterranean type diet.

The diet includes high amounts of fruits, vegetables, legumes, cereal, fish, and monounsaturated fats, lower amounts of saturated fats, red meat and poultry, and moderate alcohol consumption.

In one article, Nikolaos Scarmeas, MD, of Columbia University Medical Center and his associates evaluated data from 1,880 elderly men and women who did not have dementia upon recruitment into the Washington Heights-Inwood Columbia Aging Project. The subjects received neurological and neuropsychological testing every 1.5 years for an average 5.4 year follow-up period, during which 282 participants were diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease.

Greater physical activity alone was associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer's disease, with a 25 percent average reduction in risk associated with some activity compared to no activity. Those who were categorized as participating in "much" physical activity experienced a 33 percent average lower risk.

When adherence to a Mediterranean diet was considered, those in the middle third of participants had an average 2 percent reduction in the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, while those in the top third had experienced a 40 percent reduction compared to those in the lowest third.

Having both high levels of physical activity and adherence to the diet were also associated with a protective benefit. “Compared with individuals with low physical activity plus low adherence to a diet, high physical activity plus high diet adherence was associated with a 35 percent to 44 percent relative risk reduction," the authors write. “In summary, our results support the potentially independent and important role of both physical activity and dietary habits in relation to AD risk.”

In a second study published in the journal, greater adherence to a Mediterranean diet was associated with a reduction in cognitive decline.

Catherine Féart, PhD, of the Université Victor Ségalen in Bordeaux, France, and colleagues evaluated data from 1,410 participants aged 65 years and older in the Three-City cohort, a study of vascular risk factors and dementia. Participants were assessed for cognitive performance during 2001-2002 and were re-examined at least once over the following 5 years.

Dietary questionnaires were scored from 0 to 9 for Mediterranean diet adherence.
Although greater adherence to the diet was associated with fewer errors over time on one neuropsychological test, indicating a reduction in cognitive decline, the risk of developing dementia was not associated with diet adherence.

“A variety of approaches to mitigating cerebrovascular disease in midlife exist, including diet, exercise, treatment of hypertension, treatment of diabetes, avoidance of obesity, and avoidance of smoking," writes David S. Knopman, MD, of the Mayo Clinic in an accompanying editorial.

"The findings of Scarmeas et al and FĂ©art et al fit into a larger and potentially optimistic view of prevention of late-life cognitive impairment through application, at least by midlife, of as many healthy behaviors as possible, including diet. Based on these 2 studies, diet may play a supporting role, but following a healthy diet does not occur in isolation.”

Exercise: A powerful 2-Part Workout

Exercise: A powerful 2-Part Workout

If you want to achieve astounding cardiovascular fitness then you have to train intense!

Thats right, I mean you have to have an attitude that you'll either succeed in gaining big results or die trying. There is no gray area!

The following 2-part workout that I have included below certainly "fits the mold, and oozes with that attitude!"

Part 1: The Overhead Dumbell Swing:

For this drill you will have to have a moderately heavy dumbell to kickstart your cardiovascular training. To start the drill simply squat to pick up the bell. Perform a normal dumbell swing by flexing and extending your hips and knees in a continuous snapping motion.

This will allow you to swing the dumbell from between your legs all the way up to above your head in a wide arc.

This drill is much more intense than the traditional chest level swing. To build great cardiovascular endurance execute 50 repetitions of these in the first part of your intense 2-part workout! When finished immediately transition to part 2.

Part 2: Dumbell Squat Jumps:

For this part of your intense training you will need 2 relatively light dumbells of equal weight. Stand on flat ground and pick the bells up holding one in each hand.

Next, you will want to perform squat jumps while holding the bells in each hand on each side of your body. Make sure that you perform a perfect form squat every time and explosively elevate your body off of the ground.

Every repetition should be performed in rapid succession. Start out by executing 15 to 20 repetitions immediately following part-1 of your intense cardio workout.

When finished give yourself about 3 minutes rest and repeat the process 2 more times! Train hard and enjoy.


Exercise: Heavy Hands Walking

Exercise: Heavy Hands Walking

Effective exercise means to exercise in a way that gives you the results you desire. If your aim is to reduce body fat, the key is to exercise in a manner that burns fat most efficiently.

The 6 elements of effective exercise are:

• Aerobic: You need an excess of oxygen to burn fat. You burn the most fat when you are exercising between 60% and 75% of your Maximum Heart Rate (calculated as 220 – your age).

Example: For a 40 year old person, the Maximum Heart Rate = 220 – 40 = 180. Lower Limit = 0.6 X 180 = 108. Upper Limit = 0.75 X 180 = 135. Optimal fat burning zone = between 108 and 135 beats per minute.
We recommend you wear a heart rate monitor to track your heart rate and ensure you remain in the aerobic zone.

• Full body: When you use your upper and lower body simultaneously, you burn more fat. The more work you do at or above your heart, the better your cardiovascular fitness. 60% of your aerobic potential is from your waist up, while 40% of your aerobic potential is from your waist down. Walking while moving your upper body uses more of your lean mass than walking or running alone, therefore is more effective at burning fat and increasing cardiovascular fitness.

• Weight bearing: This means bearing your full body weight. For example walking as opposed to swimming. With weight bearing exercise, you stimulate both your muscles and your bones, reducing the risk of osteoporosis.

• Duration: Exercise for at least 30 minutes each time you exercise for best results. Increase duration to 45 minutes to an hour if you want to burn more fat.

• Frequency: Exercise for at least three times a week for best results. Increase frequency to 5 or 6 days a week if you want to burn more fat.

• Timing: First thing in the morning before eating is best. This is when insulin levels are the lowest. Remember, insulin blocks fat burning, so you will burn the most fat when your insulin levels are the lowest. But whenever exercise fits into your schedule is the best time.

I have discovered Heavy Hands Walking , originally designed by Dr Leonard Schwartz MD, is the most efficient and effective exercise system for maximum energy, fat burning, cardiovascular fitness, and lean muscle enhancement.
It is easy and practical and is appropriate for any age and any fitness levels. Dr Schwartz had been a non-athlete all his life. In fact, he was sedentary. He smoked and was overweight. In his fifties, he decided he needed to do something about the shape he was in.
Today, Dr Leonard Schwartz is 76 years of age, 2% body fat with a resting heart rate of 32. He achieved this extraordinary state of health walking 30 minutes a day with Heavy Hands.

What is Heavy Hands Walking?

Heavy Hands Walking involves walking at a comfortable steady pace (approximately 3.0-3.5 miles per hour), pumping light hand weights. While walking you perform three different exercises with your hand weights (Chest Flyes, Lateral Raises, and Overhead Presses—for shorthand purposes, referred to as “F.L.O.”). You pump and walk to warm up and in between each set of the three exercises.

What are the benefits?

When you walk, you use only about 40% of your lean body mass (i.e. your muscles). Even when you run, you don't use much more (you just use the muscles you are already using a little harder).
But with Heavy Hands walking, you are able to engage nearly 80% of your lean body mass.
With so many muscles working, there is a tremendous amount of blood and oxygen demand being created.
This stimulates your whole cardio-respiratory system (your heart, lungs, and blood vessels) to improve. Your resting heart rate will lower to reflect your strong heart and you'll have more energy all the time.
Your stronger heart and more efficient lungs will be able to deliver more oxygen to your body and brain. More oxygen means more energy. Because you are working out in your aerobic zone, Heavy Hands walking is also an excellent way to reduce body fat. It is also a great way to tone and strengthen your whole body.
Since you are using over 80% of your lean body mass, you are stimulating growth and improvement in most of your body. You will develop muscular endurance and tone. You will feel stronger and look firmer.

Recommended Duration and frequency

For maximum fat burning results, I recommend walking with Heavy Hands for a minimum of 30 minutes, at least 3 times every week. If you want to burn more fat, walk for longer periods (45 minutes to 1 hour), and more often (5-7 times a week).

How do you progress?

There are two variables: repetitions and weight .

Weight: Both men and women start with 1-pound hand weights. This may seem light at first, but it is for good reason. You need to strengthen your connective tissues with a light weight to avoid injury when you progress to heavier weights.

The goal for women is to progress to 4-5 pound hand weights (within 6 months), and for men, 6-8 pound hand weights (within 9-12 months) using the progression below.

Repetitions: Increase your repetitions of each of the F. L. O. exercises every week over a six-week period (up to 6-pound weights). Then, at the end of 6 weeks, increase your hand weights by 1 pound, if you are comfortable doing so.

Progression for repetitions :

Week 1: 25 repetitions
Week 2: 30 repetitions
Week 3: 35 repetitions
Week 4: 40 repetitions
Week 5: 45 repetitions
Week 6: 50 repetitions

When you progress to 6 pound weights and over, increase your weight by one pound only after 12-weeks i.e. do 2 weeks of 25 reps, 2 weeks of 30 reps, 2 weeks of 40 reps, 2 weeks of 45 reps and 2 weeks of 50 reps before you increase your weight again.
Only increase in weight when it feels comfortable for you. Listen to your body.

Where can you do Heavy Hands?

You can walk with Heavy Hands in the gym on a treadmill, on the spot or outside. If you use a treadmill, set the incline at 5.0 (to take the pressure off your knees) and set the speed at 3.0-3.5. Keep the speed constant unless you exceed 75% of your MHR (in which case slow the speed a little). If you have difficulty walking, you can just do the upper body movements standing still or walking on the spot, and you will still get significant aerobic benefit.

Monitor your Heart Rate

You burn the most fat when exercising aerobically. Your body is in an aerobic state when exercising between 60% and 75% of your Maximum Heart Rate. When you exceed your upper limit, you enter the anaerobic zone, where you burn little fat, and mainly protein and carbohydrates.

Your Maximum Heart Rate = 220 and minus your age. So if you are 45, your maximum heart rate is 175. Your aerobic fat burning range then is calculated as: Lower Limit: 175 X .60 = 105. Your Upper Limit is: 175 X .75 = 131.25. When walking with Heavy Hands, to burn the most fat, keep your heart rate between 105 and 131.25.

If you start exceeding the upper limit consistently throughout your walk, decrease the speed at which you are walking. Do not stop performing the upper body exercises.
Note that when you do the overhead presses, your heart rate may go above your upper limit, but as long as your heart rate stays in the fat burning range most of the time, you do not need to slow down your pace.

To monitor your heart rate, you can wear a heart rate monitor. You can buy one from any good sports store. Polar is a good brand. You can enter in your upper and lower limits, and an alarm will sound when your heart rate exceeds your upper limit.

How do you do Heavy Hands?

How to perform these exercises with hand weights:

“Pump & Walk”
This is the basic movement. Pump and walk to warm up for 1 or 2 minutes before doing your F. L. and O. exercises, and as the rest break between the F. L. and O. exercises. You do one pump per step and stay in rhythm. This means that every time your right hand comes up, your left foot is coming off the ground. The actual arm movement is a curl, like a bicep curl, except you turn your wrist a 1/2 turn so your palms are facing each other and the Heavy Hand handle is pointing up. Walk for about 1-2 minutes (or 50 yards) or so to get your body warmed up.

“F” = Chest Flyes
After warming up with “pumping and walking,” perform one set of Chest Flyes. As you're walking, bring your Heavy Hands up to chest height with your knuckles facing each other. Then, keeping your elbows locked at a 90-degree angle, bring your elbows back as though you're trying to touch your elbows behind your back. Don't force it. Just do a range of motion that is comfortable for you. Listen to your body. Again, it's one pump per step. As your elbows come back, your left foot hits the ground. As your hands come back together, your right foot hits the ground. So it's left, right, left, right. One pump per step. After finishing your set of chest flyes, pump and walk for about a minute.

“L” = Lateral Raises
After pumping and walking for 1 minute, perform one set of Lateral Raises. As you're walking, bring your Heavy Hands to waist height so your forearms are parallel to the ground and parallel to each other. Keeping your elbows locked at a 90 degree angle, and using your shoulders as the pivot point, bring your arms up, leading with your elbows, until your upper arms are parallel to the ground and your forearms are still parallel to each other. This movement kind of looks like you're flapping your wings. Again, it's one pump per step. So when your elbows come up, your left foot hits the ground. As your elbows come back down, your right foot hits the ground. Left, right, left, right. After finishing your set of lateral raises, pump and walk for a minute.

“O” = “Overhead Presses
After pumping and walking for 1 minute perform one set of overhead presses. As you're walking, bring your Heavy Hands up to shoulder height. Then push your Heavy hands straight over your head until your arms are locked out. Again, it's one pump per step. So as you hands go up, your left foot hits the ground. As your hands come down, your right foot hits the ground. Left, right, left, right. One pump per step. After you finish your set of overhead presses, pump and walk for one minute.

Complete the cycle with pump and walk.
This is one complete cycle. Repeat this cycle while walking at a comfortable pace (3.0-3.5) for at least 30 minutes. You will usually complete around 4 or 5 cycles following this progression in 30 minutes; about 6-8 cycles in 45 minutes.

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

How to Get Rid of Cellulite

Studies show that as many as 70% of women who look in the mirror face that dreaded cellulite. While weight loss can help improve problem areas, even skinny people are prone to cellulite.

It’s a pesky situation that requires a little extra attention, but by finding the right combination of cellulite fighting creams, exercises and treatments that work for your body, you can effectively fight the problem at its core. Follow our guide below and learn how to cost-effectively get rid of cellulite.

What is Cellulite?

While cellulite is visible to the naked eye, the problem lies in the layers below your skin’s surface. Cellulite is nothing more than fat cells causing the appearance of lumps and formations, and can usually be found in the thighs.
The challenge is that these fat cells are not the normal ones that cause weight problems. Cellulite is mostly made up of saturated fats and trans fatty acids, which your body has a hard time breaking down and processing on its own.

By simply replacing processed foods (such as fast-food) with whole grains and fresh fruit, you can reduce and prevent the formation of cellulite. Including a multi-vitamin in your diet and plenty of water will also help. While this is by no means a quick fix, changing your diet can begin to get rid of cellulite and improve your overall health and weight.

Cellulite Exercise:

By maintaining a regular exercise routine that includes both cardio and weight training, you can increase your metabolism and tone up your body. With workouts that include taking brisk walks, jogging or swimming, you can target cellulite in the thighs specifically.

Not only will your increased metabolism level allow your body to burn away the fat cells causing the formations, but you’ll also enjoy the added benefit of leaner, sexier legs.

Just 30 minutes of exercise each day can bring tremendous results to the overall appearance and health of your body.

Cellulite Massage:

Some women have found that an intense massage can help break up the fat cells stored under your skin, increase blood flow, and effectively get rid of cellulite.
Deep tissue pressure can “even out” or “flatten” deposits of cellulite, which can help with the appearance of bumps and formations.

Be sure to consider the side effects before booking a cellulite massage. Typically the results are just temporary and the problem will come back in as little as a day.

An intense massage can cause bruising and even be painful.

Cellulite Creams:

Combining regular exercise, proper diet and a good cellulite cream or lotion is the most effective way to remove cellulite quickly.

The best creams contain natural ingredients that will work their way below the surface of the skin to target the problem area, and turn fat cells into energy. Ingredients such as caffeine, retinol and the acai berry can not only destroy cellulite, but can also make your skin look smoother, healthier and more youthful.

Using a cellulite-fighting cream can do many things: help your body repair its connective tissue, stimulate the muscle around the area to contact and become firmer, and exfoliate the skin. Exfoliation can increase collagen production, which will make your skin thicker in order to hide the dimpling fat in the leg.

While as many as 70% of women are faced with this problem, there are effective methods for fighting cellulite in a safe and healthy way. By eating healthier, exercising regularly and using an affordable cellulite cream, you can have the sexy, smooth skin that any woman would desire.

Resveratrol Anti-Aging Benefits

Resveratrol Anti-Aging Benefits

It seems everyone is trying to find ways to look younger and fight off the signs of aging. There are many products on the market that are made specifically as anti aging tools. These creams, serums and other beauty items may work, but they come at a rather high cost. There is an easier method of natural anti aging. Resveratrol anti aging is a natural approach where you can use nature's own anti oxidant compound to keep your youthful appearance.

What is This Natural Anti Aging Product?

Resveratrol comes from plants and has strong antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are proven to help fight the signs of aging. It is found mainly is the skins of grapes and in other berries. Getting this substance into your diet is not difficult. However, there is some controversy about the best way to get resveratrol's benefits. There are two main ways that you can start to use resveratrol anti aging properties, supplements and wine.

Supplements or Wine?

There is a lot of research going into figuring out how best to get the resveratrol anti aging benefits. The best natural source of the substance is through consuming grapes or drinking wine. It is usually suggested that the best way to get helpful substances of any kind is through the natural source because this guarantees that you are getting a completely natural product that is 100% healthy and safe.

Of course, there are some drawbacks to getting resveratrol through wine. Wine can be expensive. It is not something that you can always have access to. Wine also contains alcohol so it is not suitable for all people.

Additionally, due to the alcohol content it is not convenient to drink wine whenever you want to. There is also concern that getting resveratrol through wine may not allow you get the maximum benefits due to improper absorption in the body.

A supplement form is much easier to take and a more convenient way to get the substance. Supplements also allow your body to absorb more of the antioxidant and therefore, give you maximum benefits that you may not get from wine. Also supplements offer a consistent level of the substance where as the resveratrol content in wine varies widely.

Safe Supplement

Resveratrol anti aging supplements have been shown in studies so far to be safe. They do not have any harmful side effects and have been proven to provide the maximum benefits of its anti aging properties to those who regularly take the supplements.

If you are tired of using creams, serums and special beauty tools to fight the signs of aging then a resveratrol anti aging supplement may just be the solution. You can easily take a daily supplement when you take your daily vitamin.

It is not evasive and it is simple to do. You can fight aging without having to slather your face with anything or use any beauty tool. All it takes is a simple supplement and you are naturally fighting aging and retaining your youthful look.

A glass of wine

Historically, the people of France have had a rich diet filled with dense foods such as meats, cheeses and sauces.

In fact, the traditional French diet is not what modern medical professionals would consider heart healthy.

However, they are also known to have red wine with their meals. And in spite of their rich diet, the French have fewer cases of heart disease than the average for the developed world. It is believed that the wine is a major player in protecting their hearts.

Wine, in particular certain types of red wine, contain a number of antioxidants. There are two types of antioxidants, flavonoids and nonflavonoids. Flavonoids are found in many foods, including apples, tea and cocoa as well as alcoholic beverages such as white wine and beer.

However, red wine has higher levels of flavonoids. Nonflavonoids are also found found in red wine and appear to have heart healthy properties.
The nonflavonoid that appears most promising for heart health and prevention of various other ailments is called resveratrol. It has captured the attention of researchers because of its fat blocking properties, among others. Resveratrol is a phytochemical that some studies link to increases in HDL or “good” cholesterol levels. It may also improve the lining of arteries to reduce the buildup of fat blockages.

While all wine contains some level of resveratrol, certain wines have a higher concentration than the others. The wines with the highest level of this chemical are red wines, particularly Spanish made reds such as Alemany I Corrio Sot Lefriec.

In fact, Spanish made grape juice has higher levels of resveratrol in wine from other parts of the world. Other red wines from around the world contain more of this antioxidant than white wines and some resveratrol rich foods.

Until now, studies of resveratrol in wine has been done primarily on laboratory mice. Research indicates that this chemical may have additional health benefits including reducing the risk of diabetes and obesity, two strong indicators for heart disease. Unfortunately, for a person to receive the same amount of resveratrol as the research mice in these studies, they would have to drink between 100 and 1,000 bottles of red wine daily. However, this important antioxidant may still be effective in smaller doses.

If you enjoy a glass of red wine with your evening meal, this is good news. If not, doctors do not advise that you take up drinking. And, of course, all drinking should be done in careful moderation.

If you do not drink, you can gain many of the same health benefits of resveratrol in wine by eating common foods that also contain this chemical. These foods include grapes and peanuts.

Maintaining heart health becomes more important as you age, so now is the time to start considering your options. Resveratrol in wine form, in food or in supplements is one part of the puzzle.

This puzzle also includes a diet filled with fresh, healthy foods and plenty of exercise. In this way, resveratrol is not a miracle compound. It is simply and important part of the overall picture for maintaining good health.


Exercise: Maximize fat loss, increase your muscle definition.

Exercise: Maximize fat loss, increase your muscle definition

Exciting Results With The Interval Training Study

16 subjects divided into two groups was used in a study that was published in the Journal of Applied Physiology in 2005. Eight of the people were a control group that did nothing over two weeks, and the other eight people did sprint intervals for two weeks. Before the two weeks, and after the two weeks, both of the groups were tested for their endurance. In this short period of time, the interval group doubled their endurance capacity.

Endurance Benefits Better Than Endurance Exercise

Now we are aware that HIIT, or High Intensity Interval Training does improve endurance better than people that do nothing, so now we need to know what happens to people who do endurance exercise.

The results of the interval study, according to researchers, is that they are better or comparable, to aerobic- based training studies that lasted the same amount of time.

The endurance capacity was increased by the subjects involved in the study, more than an endurance study, in which the participants did endurance exercises for 20 hours in total, over a period of two weeks (5 days a week, 2 hours per day).

2 Hours of Normal Cardio vs 15 Minutes of HIIT?

When thinking that endurance exercises themselves, have less benefit to increase endurance than by doing HIIT, it is quite mind boggling. For many people out there, this is a huge paradigm shift. The information that is contained in the study isn't new, but it has yet to reach the mainstream audience.

Even now, when I go to the gym, I hardly ever see anyone doing interval work. This is something that makes no real sense at all!

For more than 15 years, we have been aware that HIIT is better at burning fat, and for the last 5 years, we have found that one of the ultimate ways to boost endurance, is by doing interval training.

How Can This Help Endurance Athletes?

If you are an endurance athlete, then to get the most benefit from your workout, you have to use endurance exercise. To be able to withstand the pain that comes from endurance exercise, the tendons and muscles must be strengthened. The best thing to do, is to do a mix of intervals along with your endurance training.

By doing it this way, you get the benefits from both exercises.

How Does This Help Everyone Else?

By doing steady state cardio after HIIT, you can get more fat burning from the exercises.

Also, when you have to run for a long period of time, this is great for conditioning your joints and body. It is wonderful when you can run for 20-30 minutes, and not have to suffer through body aches for a few days afterward.

Right now, I only do this 1-2 times a week. When what you are after is slimming down, then there isn't great need for extended periods of steady state cardio.

Below, are the methods I suggest if you are trying to maximize fat loss or increase your muscle definition.

Usually, I prefer to keep strength training separate from the fat loss part of the workout.

Muscle definition is best achieved using heavy weights and brief strength training at a low volume.

Your muscles will firm up and you will begin to see an increase in definition this way. Strength training is usually the easiest part of any workout.

With any workout, the calorie burning, fat loss portion is the most intense and difficult. It is best to include an intense fat loss routine into your workout at least three times each week. You can use any method of circuit workout or strategic interval that you want, including HIIT and body weight circuits.

You can't get an "after effect" using low intensity during a workout.
Most often, when I am at the gym, I see people doing a fat loss workout with no intensity in it. If you aren't resting or cooling down for the next part of your workout, walking on a treadmill is useless. When you do a cardio workout that is low intensity, you are not maximizing the amount of calories you could be burning.

Watch closely, to avoid a workout that is too high in intensity also.
You will more than likely find yourself resting for longer periods of time when you are finished with your routine, if it is too intense or difficult. For the most effective fat loss workout, you should be able to go on without extra breaks as if you never worked out at all. If you become overly tired and spend hours sitting down or resting after a workout, your fat loss workout is ineffective.

How do you know if you are working out with the right intensity for your fat loss routine?
Pay attention to what is called the "HGH Flush" I am not sure where this term originated from, but it does serve as a great tool for rating your fat loss workout.

You will know you have reached the HGH flush if you are out of breath, with hot slightly red skin after each workout. Try to remember how hot and out of breath you felt, after the gym teacher had you run lines in junior high. HGH is a hormone released by your body to burn fat when your metabolism is suddenly increased by heavy activity, like a high energy workout.

Your comfort zone can also guide you if you keep your workouts just inside its limit.
The ideal workout intensity will help you reach an HGH flush, without leaving you so exhausted that you want a nap.

In regards to workout intensity, I refer to this as the "sweet spot". You can start increasing your intensity as your body adjusts. However, pay close attention and back off a bit if you find yourself overly tired after a workout.


Natural Recipe for Chronic Constipation

Natural Recipe for Chronic Constipation

If you suffer from chronic constipation, you may want to try adding some barley into your life.

Barley, you see, has been used traditionally as a treatment for constipation, due to its high fiber content.

Eating at least three servings a day of meals containing some barley may well clear or dramatically improve any chronic constipation problems.

As a side effect, several small studies suggest that high fiber barley, barley bran flour, and barley oil may reduce cholesterol by increasing the elimination of cholesterol from the body.

The excellent recipe you're about to read may help you have the cleanest colon in your entire neighborhood. Goodbye chronic constipation!

Banana Barley Bread

Makes 2 loaves

3 cups barley flour

1 tsp sea salt

1 Tbs plus a 1/2 teaspoon of baking powder

3 ripe bananas

1 cup honey

1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil

2 large eggs

1 tsp fresh lemon juice

3/4 tsp grated lemon rind

Mix the dry ingredients together. Mash the bananas with a fork until smooth. Blend the bananas, honey, and olive oil in a mixer on low.

Add the eggs, lemon juice, and lemon rind. Fold in the dry ingredients and blend on low speed for about five minutes.

Lightly oil two bread pans with a little olive oil; pour in the batter, dividing equally.

Bake in a preheated 350F degree oven for 35-40 minutes or until done.

Your colon should be squeaky clean after eating a loaf of this healthy bread, your cholesterol numbers may show improvement, and you may have reached the end of your chronic constipation problems.

Exercise: Mind-Body Connection

Exercise: Mind-Body Connection

Exercise not only makes you healthier, it also may make you more intelligent.

New research shows that in addition to causing the release of chemicals called endorphins — well-documented as the source of the "runner's high" — exercise may contribute to the formation of new connections among nerve cells in the brain and even to the growth of new cells. Other research has underscored the strong correlation between exercise and higher mental function.

It's possible that running, cycling and other sports may trigger a primal "flight or fight" response in us, and in doing so, may spur brain cell growth, much as it did in ancient hunters as they chased their prey or were chased by predators. Or it could just be that getting more blood to the brain is good for us.

Experts caution that no one knows what these new cells actually do in the human brain, or whether they really become part of functional circuits that affect behavior and thought. But what is no longer in doubt is that new cell growth has been found in the places in the brain where we think, learn and remember.

Not long ago, neuroscientists believed the brain stopped producing any new nerve cells, called neurons, at birth. Researchers knew that synapses, the connections between neurons needed for transmitting memories and thoughts, change and grow as a person ages, declining later in life. But their consensus was that the number of neurons had only one way to go: down.

During the past few years, researchers at institutions in the United States and abroad have turned that thinking on its head as they pioneered the study of neurogenesis, or new brain cell development. They have found in a number of test subjects, including humans, that neurons are continuously being formed, even by the elderly. And behavior has a significant impact on how many new cells are grown. The results are astonishing.

"The surprise is that the rate at which new cells are being born in the brain are regulated by, among other things, your interaction with your environment," neurobiologist Fred H. Gage says. And exercise seems to be a key to that interaction.

"One of the things that happens with exercise is an increase in the micro blood vessels in the brain," he says. Those blood vessels are associated with the birth of new cells. "So there is a physiological link between exercise and neurogenesis," he says.

When you exercise, muscles begin to use oxygen at a higher rate, and the heart pumps more oxygenated blood through the carotid artery to the brain. In fact, the brain uses about 25 percent of the oxygen that you take in. Because exercise creates endorphins, people who exercise regularly have more energy, feel alert and have an increased sense of well-being and better memory retention.

Prior to the recent studies, scientists assumed that increased cerebral blood flow was the factor linking exercise and better brain function. Now, we are beginning to understand more about the workout-brain connection.

In The Laboratory

In 1998, Gage of the Salk Institute and Peter Eriksson at the Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Göteborg, Sweden, studied hippocampal tissue in deceased cancer victims ranging in age from 57 to 72 years old at death. Each patient while living had received an injection of bromodeoxyuridine, or BrdU, for diagnostic purposes.

BrdU is absorbed only by cells that are dividing, meaning they are creating new cells. In cancer patients it is used to see if cancer cells are multiplying. When BrdU-labeled neurons were found in the hippocampus, it was a the equivalent of a smoking gun for Gage and Eriksson. They could only conclude that neurogenesis was taking place.

"The way you detect new neurons is in part by determining whether or not they're undergoing cell division," Gage says. More important, these new cells weren't just floating around aimlessly.
"We found these new neurons were known and recognized by the other cells.

And they looked as though they're wired up to the appropriate area" to potentially play a role in cognition.
Meanwhile, Gage and other Salk scientists were engaged in different research, this time on the effects of learning on the brains of mice. What they found could have big meaning for us humans. The mice were exposed to a rich environment of toys, treats and other incentives to think.
Almost as an afterthought, running wheels — mouse treadmills — were introduced as another variable. The mice ran at their own pace, as often and for as long as they liked. And the mice that did the running grew twice the new brain cells as mice in a control group.

The Salk researchers do not know why running should have such an enhancing effect on neural development. There are some informed guesses: Running might increase the flow of oxygen and nutrients to brain tissues or release special growth factors that promote new neurons, Gage said. Or it could be that running prompts the nervous system to prepare for an onslaught of new information as an animal navigates unfamiliar terrain in the pursuit of prey or in flight from an enemy.

Meanwhile, at Princeton, neuroscientists Elizabeth Gould and Charles Gross of the university's psychology department brought neurogenesis a step further, finding new neurons not just in the hippocampus of adult rhesus monkeys but also in the more advanced cerebral cortex.
In order to test for the presence of new neurons in the adult brain, Gould and Gross injected the monkeys with BrdU. At different times after the injection, ranging from two hours to seven days, the researchers examined the cerebral cortex and found evidence of BrdU in cells in three different regions, all of which play a role in higher thought.

The researchers were able to detect several different proteins in the cells that are found specifically in neurons. Also, they showed that the cells containing BrdU had the long axon extensions characteristic of neurons.

To get those results, Gould and Gross used a technique called fluorescent retrograde tracing. In this technique a chemical dye is applied to a small region of the brain, and the dye travels from the end of an axon back to the cell body, making the axon visible under a microscope.
And when the monkeys engaged in various stimulating exercises, the number of new cells jumped.

Taken together these recent findings suggest that neurogenesis is found across the range of mammalian species, including human beings.

Gould and Gross reiterate that it's not yet known what purpose the new cells serve in the cortex, but if the newly formed neurons are found to have a functional role, scientists may have to reexamine current theories about how the brain works.
In the not-too-distant future, Gage says, advanced brain imaging techniques will probably show how exercise, both physical and mental, causes new neural development in humans. What we already know, he says, is that the brain is not a one-way street where it simply controls our behavior.

"We are finding that the behaviors that people engage in in return have an effect on the underlying structure of the brain and on the number of cells and how they're wired in the brain, which then will subsequently have an affect on what your next behavior is going to be."
Even clearer proof that the human brain benefits from aerobic exercise was found in a study at the University of Illinois' Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology. Its study, funded by the National Institute on Aging, examined the cognitive impact of walking or doing toning exercises on 124 adults ranging in age from 60 to 75.

Participants in both exercise groups showed improvement doing a repetitive task, such as pushing a button, when given a visual cue. However, the walkers were better able to process and ignore irrelevant cues and successfully complete tasks than were those who had done only toning exercises.
Processing relevant information and discarding distractions are essential to "executive control," a term that covers such things as planning, inhibition and temporarily maintaining information in memory.
"Executive control processes are largely controlled by the frontal and prefrontal regions of the brain, areas which show negative metabolic and morphological changes during the normal aging process," says Arthur F. Kramer, a psychologist and researcher at the Beckman Institute. "Cells shrink and blood flow decreases. The benefits you get from walking are in the varieties of cognition that show the largest age-related decline."

Brain Workout

WorldThe question we are left with is, what should we do to stimulate our personal cognitive development, and when do we know it's working? When you do sit-ups, you expect to develop killer abs. We know that when we run or bike for an hour, we feel either exhausted or invigorated by an endorphin rush. But that wears off quickly. How do we know we are doing enough to help the brain muscle?

And if running is so good, what about sports that also involve more thinking, more teamwork, the kind of social interaction that psychologists have long linked with better mental health of the psychologic kind?

The answers will be a long time coming, but there are some theories, at least. "Social stimulus is often quite effective" in neurofunctioning, says Gage, who thinks other sports that involve social interaction may have advantages for neurogenesis, as long as they are aerobic.
"Scientists tend to use running or walking experimentally because they can isolate it and talk about it and say yes, independent of social interaction, independent of any learning experience, independent of any other variables, just exercise alone is adequate," he says. "It doesn't mean that there aren't many other ways that you can go to get there."

The bottom line is, until we know better, it is best to keep running, or start an exercise program that gets the blood pumping. It's good for mind, body and soul.


Running, biking and playing tennis get blood flowing to the brain, but sweating isn't the only way to get and stay smart, neuroscientists believe.

The mind needs to play internal games as well to stay sharp, says Dr. Amir Soas, of the Case Western Reserve University Medical School in Cleveland. "If there are areas in the brain that you totally don't use or that remain unused over a long period of time, they have a tendency to deteriorate like anything else in your body," he says.

The more complex the task, the more synapses are firing in more parts of the brain. Just as you would build new blood vessels in your quadriceps muscles in your legs, you need mind workouts to keep the network of blood vessels in the working parts of the brain growing and healthy. Research indicates this can even stave off Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases in people likely to develop those afflictions.

Activities like writing a short story, learning to play chess or a new language, or even doing a crossword puzzle involve more than one thing, using more of your brain, so a greater number of synapses are working simultaneously