
Weight Loss: How to optimize your metabolism

Weight Loss: How to optimize your metabolism

These will also help to optimize your metabolic rate (metabolism) and the faster it works the better your body will use the food for energy rather than storing it as fat. They are provided below in order of importance.

1. Eat More It is important that you eat more meals and it is best to eat a small meal every 2-4 hours. They should be large enough so that you are not feeling hungry afterwards (rather than eating until you fill full up). Unfortunately eating 1 or 2 meals a day slows a person's metabolism rate down and therefore you should try for at least 4-6 meals each day. The ratio of carbs, proteins and fats that you should eat are as follows - 50% - Proteins, 25% Carbs and 25% Fats.

2. Drink More Water Many people just do not drink enough water and this means their bodies are dehydrated. There are two problems that a body has trouble doing when dehydrated the first being to release water and the body can not tone the muscles (building). So if your body is not building this means that it is losing muscle which results in your metabolism slowing and you end up looking flabby.

3. Have a balanced Workout Regime. Such a regime should consist of cardio and resistance (weight) exercises. Cardio exercises are good for burning fat and is easy to do. Whilst resistance exercises are a little as you do not often know what to do and suppose weights are not your thing then why not try Yoga or Pilates instead. Both Yoga and Pilates are good resistance exercises and can help maintain lean muscle and increase your metabolism.

4. Supplements in your Diet the smart way. This is the best solution to making sure that you get the right nutrients that your food can not provide you with. A daily multi-vitamin should be ample for most people and if you do not like taking it in pill form then try and liquid version instead. It also helps to cleanse and detox your body without you knowing it.

5. Sleep. This is a very important part of any healthy lifestyle regime and we sleep so that our bodies and minds can refresh themselves and this allows us to function at our optimum levels. Also sleep allows our muscles to rebuild themselves and this helps to increase a person's metabolism.