Blowtorch your Fat: The Lemonade Diet
This is also called the master cleanser lemonade fast, lemonade detox diet and lemonade cleansing diet.
It is very popular now. Beyonce lost 20 pounds in 10 days for Dream Girls with it and Robin Quivers (Howard Stern's assistant) heard about it from magician, David Blaine. She lost 73 pounds with the master cleanse.
There are many testimonials of people losing weight and getting other benefits so it is a great way to lose weight.
But there are complaints about it, too.
Many people have practiced fasting including Moses, Jesus, Aristotle, Mark Twain, Abraham Lincoln and many medical doctors. Because of this, it has been constantly improved on. But because the lemonade diet was created by one person, Stanley Burroughs, it has attracted many people who are afraid to improve on it or change anything about it.
So they follow it as a cult or a religion.
It is like fasting since they are not eating food and consuming water, which is the main ingredient in the lemonade. So they get many of the benefits of fasting like losing weight.
The lemonade diet recipe contains these ingredients: water, freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup or honey and cayenne pepper. It is better to take the cayenne pepper in a shot glass with water so you can enjoy the lemonade fully.
People experienced with fasting know that you do not have to worry about the colon (large intestine). Fasting gives it a vacation and it becomes healthier than ever. With the lemomade fast people lose weight and get health benefits from not eating.
Already some who are followers of this lemonade diet have made minor improvements like replacing maple syrup with agave (a natural sweetener from a cactus) and taking the cayenne in a capsule or a shot glass instead of it being in their lemonade.
Dr Herbert Shelton (ND, DC) supervised fasts on 40,000 people. On the first 6,000 he had all of them take enemas. But then he learned that in most cases you do not need to worry about the colon and the rest were done without enemas or with anything to address the cleaning of the colon.
Rudolph Ballentine M.D. says not to do juice fasts for more than 3 days without supervision but many people do the above fast 21 days and sometimes 40 days without supervision. One guy gave a testimonial about how he fasted with only water and had a tough time from lots of cleansing symptoms. Then he tried the lemonade diet and had no problems so he says that it is much better than the water fast