
Bodyweight Exercises for Amazing Results

Bodyweight Exercises for Amazing Results.

This is exactly what to expect when you train using your bodyweight as resistance. Very few people will give bodyweight training a chance because of what is read or on the news... Big mistake.
You can become incredibly fit at home with nothing more then your own bodyweight-this is a fact.

The military uses bodyweight training to strip the fat from young recruits and to get them in fighting shape in a few short weeks. Why ? It works and it always has worked.
These men and woman are trained using their own bodyweight as resistance and do a fine job, they don't stand in the gym and do curls in front of the mirror or spend an hour bench pressing they run, jump, leap, crawl, climb, sprint to stay alive, this can not be duplicated in the gym.

Our law enforcement officers use bodyweight circuits in the police academy, bodyweight training always has and always will work.

The results you get from bodyweight training is strength and muscular endurance, aerobic and anaerobic will be built as well as flexibility, all in one workout. A great time saver and fitness builder.

A basic bodyweight circuit of pushups, leg raises, pullups and some short sprints will make a great intense workout. Nothing fancy just hard work and sweat.

In as little as 15 to 20 minutes a day is all you need to get a great workout in and burn a ton of fat too.

Try a little sample workout: You need about 10 yards to do this workout:

25 squats - 25 pushups - sprint 10 yards - 25 leg raises.

Continue as fast as you can non-stop for 15 to 20 minutes or until you have had enough.