
Removing Facial Wrinkles with Friction

Removing Facial Wrinkles with Friction

Even though the rest of the body has been developed to the strength of an athlete if the muscles on the face and neck are neglected, you will still look old, a contrasting sight to the youthful, developed body you possess.

Therefore, it is necessary to pay equal attention to those muscles for them to grow in size and gain strength and elasticity. The hollow places in the neck and cheeks can be filled up; the muscles which surround the eyes can be increased in plumpness; and, with a treatment I will now describe, that smoothness of skin characteristic of youth may, to a very considerable extent, be regained.

The true secret of restoring to the skin the smoothness of youth is friction. The skin can be polished and the wrinkles can be rubbed out like any other piece of leather. The palms of the hands and the tips of the fingers are the very best tools to use for that purpose. This polishing, wrinkle-removing process can best be done while you lie comfortably in bed as in that position it is easier, less fatiguing and you can get at the wrinkles more readily than when either sitting or standing.

But before commencing this system of facial rejuvenation it might be well to disabuse yourself of the idea that you can "build up" the muscles of the cheeks, chin, neck and throat or to form living tissue by attempting to "rub in" skin foods. Of course, my statement that it is impossible will be regarded as rank heresy by every woman who reads this. But when you consider Nature's method of building the human structure, the fallacy of such a proposition must be evident.
Every part of the body is composed of millions of infinitesimal living cells.
The reason skin foods thoroughly "rubbed in" seems to give that fresh, smooth look to the skin and why the wrinkles grow less under that process is actually the result of what is termed in slang as "elbow grease".

It is the persistent friction of the skin, and plenty of it, using the palms of the hands and tips of the fingers. In that way you will surely improve your facial appearance--with or without the "skin foods."

If you believe that applying "skin foods" which you have bought or made bring the desired result of younger looking skin, then by all means continue using them.

The process is like that of putting grease to a machinery to prevent chafing. But the effect of that procedure is only for lubrication. It will make the friction easier and prevent the skin from chafing during the rubbing process. Other than that, if this greasy preparation is done without accompanying massage, it will only yield a temporary result that can be washed off afterwards.

The usual objection made to the friction process I advise is that the skin might loosen and the pores might become enlarged. If you go at it too vigorously that is very possible. But with thorough care, this cannot be injurious.

However, if it does happen, the structure of the skin will tone up under the stimulating treatment and the skin will eventually be clear and still result to improvement.

To start, keep the skin in place by stretching it using the first and second fingers of one hand. Then rub the skin with the fingers or palm of the other hand.

The points that will probably need first attention will be the corners of the eyes, mouth, temples and immediately forward of the ears.

Apply some lubricants to prevent from chafing. You may use "skin foods" or any smooth face cream.

Don't go at this method of facial rejuvenation too energetically. If you do, your skin will get sore. The same rule applies to massaging the face and throat as to any other system of exercise.

Go slow. Stick to it regularly and you will succeed.