
Exercise: Highly effective double dumbells workouts

Exercise: Highly effective double dumbells workouts

More results in less time. That is what most people want, and you can get that will these highly effective double dumbbells workouts. As the name implies, all you will need is a set of dumbbells, and your bodyweight. By combining dumbbell and body weight exercises, you will be able to crank up your fat burning furnace to full blast, build lean muscle, and improve your conditioning levels.

Before you get into the sample workouts, please take note of a few very important details.

Tip One: To get more results in less time, you will be using total body workouts. You will be training every muscle in your body during each workout session. Doing so will cause your fat burning metabolism be to be cranked up for up to 36 hours, and you will be training your body with enough frequency so you can build lean, sexy muscle.

Tip Two: You will workout with different repetition ranges. For example: some days you will use heavier weight and perform less repetitions. Other days you will use a lighter weight and perform more repetitions. Using both repetition ranges will allow you to train all of your muscle fibers and keep you from getting burned out.

Tip Three: You will use big, compound exercises. These exercise are much more effective for allowing you to burn fat and transform your body in the least amount of time possible.

You will not see any isolation exercises in these workouts: that is because they are incredibly inefficient and ineffective for getting you the best results possible. The exercises included in the sample workouts will allow you to hit every muscle in your body; isolation exercises don't do that.

Sample Dumbbells Workout One

*Note: the abbreviation "DB" means dumbbell

Sets: 3
Repetitions per Exercise 12
Rest Between Exercises: 75 seconds
-DB Squat
-1 Arm DB Floor Press
-1 Arm DB Row

Perform those exercises back to back performing the prescribed number of repetitions for each and resting for 75 seconds between each exercise. You will go through that
circuit three times.

Sample Dumbbells Workout Two

Sets: 5
Repetitions per Exercise: 5
Rest Between Exercises: 45
-1 Arm DB Snatch
-DB Bulgarian Split Squat
-1 Arm DB Push-Press
-DB Renegade Row or Pull-ups
Once again, follow the prescribed sets, reps, and rest periods.

Sample Dumbbells Workout Three

Sets: 4
Repetitions per Exercise: 8
Rest Between Exercises: 60 seconds
-DB Lateral Lunge
-Explosive Push-up or DB Bench Press
-Underhand DB Row or Inverted Row
-Bear Crawl (20-50 yards)
Perform each exercise for the prescribed sets and reps, doing each exercise back to back. You will bear crawl a length of 20-50 yards, or you can bear crawl for a set period of time; example - 15-60 seconds.

If you perform those workouts on non-consecutive days, then you will be well on your way to transforming your body in the least amount of time possible. Those exercises are tried and true for burning fat, building lean muscle, and increasing overall strength.