
Dumbbell weight training: Incredibly effective for burning off body fat!

Dumbbell weight training: Incredibly effective for burning off body fat !

Dumbbell weight training is incredibly effective for burning off body fat and building lean muscle.
Furthermore, dumbbells have much greater advantages compared to barbells and machine exercises.

Because the dumbbell exercises will be more unstable, you will have to work harder to perform the exercise properly. Because of this fact, you will train your "stabilizer muscles" to a greater extent then barbell and machine exercises.

This is great for building muscle, increasing strength, and burning body fat.

Another bonus to dumbbell weight training: many times these exercises are safer and more joint-friendly than their barbell alternatives. For example: for many people it is more comfortable to perform overhead presses with dumbbells than barbells because your shoulder joint is in a more natural position.

Now that you know the great benefits of training with dumbbells, it's time to dive into a sample dumbbell weight training workout that will have you getting much greater fat burning and muscle building results in less time.

One last thing before you see the sample workout: I am going to assume that you don't want to workout more than 3 days a week. After all, you do want more results in less time, right?
To accomplish that, the best course of action is to train 3 days a week with total body workouts. This will help you build muscle and lose fat much more effectively than traditional bodybuilding splits.

Just trust me on this one: I have seen this proven time and time again.

Dumbbell Weight Training Workout Sample 1:

Note: the abbreviation "DB" means dumbbell

-1 Arm DB Snatch x 3-5 each side
-DB Front Squat x 15-20
-DB 1 Arm Floor Press x 10
-DB Renegade Row x 10 each side
-Mountain Climber x 10-15 each side

Those five exercises will work every single muscle in your body.
The best way to perform that workout is to move quickly; perform the exercises back to back only resting as needed. Go through that circuit three to five times total.
One more note with this workout: make sure you use a weight that is challenging to get the prescribed number of repetitions for each exercise.

You should only be able to perform one to no more than two reps when you stop the set. If you could do more than two reps, you aren't using enough weight.

Dumbbell Weight Training and Bodyweight Exercise Sample 2:

This workout will include some bodyweight exercises simply because they are very effective for burning fat and building muscle.

-Pull-ups x as many as possible
-1 Arm DB Push Press x 5-8 each side
-DB Bulgarian Split Squats x 5-8 each leg
-Burpees x 10-15

Once again, you will hit every single muscle in your body with that dumbbell and bodyweight workout.
Perform those exercises back-to-back resting only as needed. Because you will be using a heavier weight and performing less reps, repeat that circuit for a total of five to six circuits.

Another option you can use with the two workout samples is to perform as many circuits as possible in a specific amount of time.
For example: you could set a timer for 10-30 minutes and go through a circuit as many times as possible.
Both options are very, very effective.

Try those two dumbbell weight training workouts and I guarantee you will get more fat burning and lean muscle building results than the vast majority of traditional gym workouts, and in much less time.