
Exercise: Six Pack Without Doing Crunches

Exercise: Six Pack Without Doing Crunches

So you are probably wondering what in the world I am talking about in the description of this article.

Well the truth is that doing crunches is fine for training the rectus abdominis muscle alone, but what about all of the other surrounding muscles and ones that are deep to the abdomen?

You see the common misconception out there with a lot of people trying to shape their midsection is that they must do tons of crunches and other spinal flexion movements. This couldn't be further from the truth.

Read on if you want to know how to get a six pack without the need for crunches.

You see if you are going to develop a strong lean midsection you have got to do the obvious first and that is to rapidly speed up your overall metabolism.

Once you do this then you will start to lose body fat altogether.

You can't choose on your body where you want to be lean. Now as far as you training the muscles of your midsection including your rectus abominis you are much better off executing movements, lifts, and exercises that engage all the many areas of your core midsection.

As a matter of fact, by engaging in standing lifts that force you to stabilize your body you stand to achieve a much more profound training result for your core muscles.

By including movements that involve the extension of your spine instead of flexion you can yield a six pack even more effectively than working on doing those traditional sit ups.

Keep this in mind when you are planning your workouts. Dumbell swings, squats, squat jumps, and static planks are all great for your core and go way beyond the act of doing a crunch!

Now I'm not saying that crunches and sit ups are bad, but there are simply other ways of getting a more ripped midsection that simply don't get the credit deserved based on what can be achieved.


Exercises: The Saxon Side Bend

Exercises: The Saxon Side Bend

Some strength coaches call this the most effective exercise you can do to strengthen the core muscles.

To perform it, simply hold two light dumbbells overhead with your feet spread about 18 inches apart.

Now bend slowly to one side, come back up and bend to the other side.
You'll immediately know why we recommend light dumbbells!

Keep the torso tight and the dumbbells held the same distance apart throughout the movement. Do about six reps per side.

Exercises: The Overhead Squat

Exercises: The Overhead Squat

The overhead squat is another total bodyfat incinerator that will improve balance, speed, flexibility, and power.

Simply perform a squat with the bar held at arm's length over your head or dumbells.
Take a wide grip on the bar (hands outside the rings) and with your back arched and chest out, squat down slowly by pushing your hips back.
Go rock bottom on this one if you can!

Start light and add weight as you get accustomed to the movement.


Your Ultimate Dumbbell Program

Your Ultimate Dumbbell Program

If you want to transform your body using nothing but dumbbells and your bodyweight, then this is your ultimate guide for getting the body transformation results you want.

The following information and workouts is going to take your dumbbell bodybuilding to the next level. However, before we get into the workouts, there are a few points you must first understand. This will allow you to get the most from your dumbbell bodybuilding workouts.

First, the following dumbbell bodybuilding workouts will be total body. Now I know that this seems completely opposite of what every bodybuilding magazine and website says to do, but there is a reason why you should be using total body workouts. In the old days of bodybuilding, before steroid use was the norm, the best bodybuilders who built their physiques naturally relied entirely on total body workouts.

Some of the best natural physiques of all time were built with total body workouts. So, why would someone who is going to train without the use of steroids follow popular workouts from individuals who take steroids? They shouldn't!

Trust me on this: put 100 percent into your total body workouts, and after a couple of months you will be very pleased with the results.

Second, you will be using different repetition ranges. Even though 8-12 repetitions is the classic range to train in, there are great benefits to using heavier weight and training with lower repetitions in the 3-7 rep range. Because both are beneficial, you should use them both.

Third, make sure you train with intensity. Now I'm not talking about the "percentage of your one repetition maximum" (%1RM) intensity. Instead I am referring to how hard you push yourself on every set of every exercise. Make sure you use a challenging weight that allows you to complete the specified number of repetitions and no more. Your last rep should be hard to complete, but your form should look perfect. Other than the speed slowing down on the last couple of reps, your form should look exactly the same as your first repetition.

You won't get great results if you stop a set when you could have completed two or more repetitions. You absolutely must challenge yourself if you want to transform your body.

Okay, now that you have the necessary background information, it's time to get into the dumbbell bodybuilding workouts.

Dumbbell Bodybuilding Workout #1

1) Dumbbell Squat - 2 x 10 - 12

2) One Leg Romanian Deadlift - 2 x 10 -12 each leg

3a) Dumbbell Row with Palms Down Grip - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

3b) One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

4a) Dumbbell Overhead Press with Neutral Grip - 2 x 10 - 12

4b) Standing One Leg Calf Raise - 2 x 8 - 12 each side

5a) Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 2 x 8 - 12

5b) Behind the Head One Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

6a) Reverse Crunches - 2 x 10 - 20

6b) Plank 2 x as long as possible

Dumbbell Bodybuilding Workout #2

1) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

2) Dumbbell Step Up - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

3a) One Arm Dumbbell Push Press - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

3b) Chin-up or Dumbbell Renegade Row - 3 x 6 - 8

4a) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 6 - 8

4b) Incline Dumbbell Row with Neutral Grip - 3 x 8 - 10

5a) Dumbbell Curl - 2 x 8 - 12

5b) Lying Dumbbell Extension - 2 x 8 - 12

6a) Ab Wheel Rollout or Inch Worm - 2 x 10 - 15

6b) Side Plank - 2 x as long as possible

While you want to make sure you are fresh for every set, you don't want to take very long rest periods. Try to keep your pace up throughout the workout, and make sure you push hard and every single set.

Alternate between the two workouts. For example, on Monday you can perform Workout 1, on Wednesday do Workout 2, and then finish the week with Workout 1 again on Friday. The next week you would start with Workout 2 on Monday.

The ultimate way to get the best results in the least amount of time is to push yourself every workout. Make sure you use a challenging weight, and the next time you repeat a workout you have to do more reps with the same weight, or increase the weight you use.


Blow torch fat off your body in minimum time!

Blow torch fat off your body in minimum time!

You are about to get some of the most effective cardio at home workouts that are going to blow torch fat off your body in minimum time. In addition to losing fat at a record pace, these cardio at home workouts will allow you to spend less time exercising while getting better results than traditional cardio workouts that take at least twice as long to complete. And one more thing: you don't need a single piece of equipment. You will be using nothing but the best tool you already have - your bodyweight.

Before we get into the sample cardio at home workouts, we must first go over a few important principles so you understand exactly why these workouts are designed the way they are.

First off all, for the cardio workouts you will be performing bodyweight circuits. All this means is that you will be performing bodyweight exercises back to back with little to no rest between them. It has been proven by both research and real world examples that bodyweight circuits are more effective for burning fat than tradtional cardio methods. This means you will get more results in less time.

In addition to taking less time, the bodyweight circuits will not only cause you to burn off fat, but you will build lean muscle as well. That is something traditional cardio just can't do. Building lean muscle will elevate your metabolism and also allow you to develop a lean, athletic looking physique.

Second, you will be using compound exercises. These exercises will require you to use a lot of muscle mass at one time to perform a repetition. This, once again, will cause you to burn more calories during the workout itself, but you will keep burning calories for up to 36 hours after the workout is completed.

Okay, now that you have the necessary information about the cardio workouts, it's time to get right into them.

Cardio Workout #1

Advanced Burpees x 10 - 15
Inverted Rows with Palms up Grip x 10 - 15
One Leg Romanian Deadlift x 10 - 15 each leg
Close Grip Push ups x 10 - 15
Plank x 30 seconds
Jumping Jacks x 50 - 70

Go through that circuit performing each exercise right after the other. Your level of advancement will determine how many reps you perform for each exercise. The more advanced you are, the more reps you will perform for each exercise.

Instead of completing a specified number of circuits, you will complete as many circuits as possible in a set period of time. Example: 15-25 minutes. That may not seem like a long time, but I promise you that after 5 minutes into that workout, you will be a believer in the effectiveness of bodyweight circuits.

Cardio Workout #2

Squat Thrusts x 20 - 30
Door Pull ups x as many as possible (use a chair for assistance if you can't perform these on your own)
Handstand Push ups x 10 - 15 (put your feet on a chair to make this easier)
Bulgarian Split Squat x 10 -15 each leg
Reverse Crunches x 15 - 20
Squat Jumps x 10 - 15

Once again, perform the exercises one right after the other, and complete as many circuits as possible in 15-25 minutes.

Cardio Workout #3

Advanced Burpees

Yes, this workout requires only a single exercise, but it is a lot tougher than it looks. You can go about this workout one of two ways. First, complete as many advanced burpees as possible in a set period of time (i.e. 15 minutes), or complete a specified number of advanced burpees as fast as possible (i.e. 50 advanced burpees).

Those three cardio at home workouts are a guaranteed way to take your fat loss and body transformation goals to an entirely different level. You can perform three workouts per week on non-consecutive days alternating between the three.

To make sure you keep getting great results, make sure you improve your performance every workout. That means you should either complete more circuits in the same period of time, increase the number of reps performed for each exercise, or increase the duration of the circuits. This is imperative if you want to continue getting great results.


Dumbell Workouts For Rapid Fat Loss

Dumbell Workouts For Rapid Fat Loss

What would you say if I told you it was possible to lose fat at a rapid rate using only dumbbells and your body weight, all while spending less time working out?

Despite what you may think or have been told from magazines and websites, you can transform your body at a rapid rate and actually work out less.

The reason most people can't achieve rapid fat loss is because they don't work out properly. So, if you want to get the best results possible in the least amount of time and only use dumbbells and your bodyweight, you absolutely must follow a few simple, but highly effective, training tips. After you read the tips, you will get some sample dumbbell workouts that will produce rapid fat loss results.

Tip One for Rapid Fat Loss

Center your workouts around the best dumbbell and bodyweight exercises. This may seem like common sense, but most people do not use the best exercises. Most people only focus on isolation exercises to target "trouble spots" or areas that they think require special attention. For instance, when people want to trim and tone their stomach, they think the best exercise choices are crunches and other movements.

Well, if you want rapid fat loss, then those are not your best options. I know that sounds backwards, but I promise that those are not the best exercises to help you achieve your goals.

The best exercises for rapid fat loss (and to lose belly fat) are compound exercises that recruit the greatest amount of muscle mass at one time. Not only will these exercises allow you to burn a lot of calories while you work out, but you will elevate your fat burning metabolism for hours even after the workout is finished. That is the ultimate way to losing fat at a rapid pace.

Tip Two for Rapid Fat Loss

Use both high repetitions and low repetitions with your workouts. Most people think high repetitions with low weight is the best way to achieve fast fat loss once. Once again, this assumption is incorrect. To get the best results possible in the least amount of time, you absolutely must use lower repetitions (5-10 reps) with heavier weights and higher repetitions (11-20 reps) with lighter weight. Both ranges have their own benefits, and therefore you are better off using them both instead of just one.

Tip Three for Rapid Fat Loss

Use circuits to get more results in less time. Most people go about circuit training all wrong. They, once again, use the wrong exercises and train exclusively with high repetitions. If you use big, compound dumbbell and bodyweight exercises and perform them in circuit fashion, you will be well on your way to transforming your body in minimal time.

Rapid Fat Loss Dumbbell Workout 1

Repetitions: 6

Duration: 20-25 minutes

Lateral Dumbbell Step-ups
One Arm Dumbbell Push-Press
Chin-ups or Dumbbell Renegade Row
Inch Worm

Perform the exercises back-to-back and only rest as needed, but try to keep it to a minimum. Instead of completing a specific number of sets, your goal is to complete as many circuits as possible in 20-25 minutes. The next time you repeat the workout, complete more circuits in the same period of time.

Rapid Fat Loss Dumbbell Workout 2

Repetitions: 12

Duration: 20-25 minutes

Dumbbell Walking or Crossover Lunges
Parallel Bar Dips or Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Row with Neutral Grip
Reverse Crunches or Stability Ball Rollouts

Once again, perform the exercises back-to-back and only rest as needed. Complete as many circuits as possible in 20-25 minutes.

A great way to use these workouts is to train three days per week on non-consecutive days, and rotate between the two workouts.
For instance, you can workout on Monday with Workout 1, use Workout 2 on Wednesday, and finish the week with Workout 1 again on Friday. They next week you would start with Workout 2, etc.


Exercise: Spiderman Pushup

Exercise: Spiderman Pushup

Spiderman Pushup:

Start in a pushup position. As you descend bring your left knee to your left elbow then bring straighten your left out as you go back up. Do 8 – 12 then switch to your right side.