
Your Ultimate Dumbbell Program

Your Ultimate Dumbbell Program

If you want to transform your body using nothing but dumbbells and your bodyweight, then this is your ultimate guide for getting the body transformation results you want.

The following information and workouts is going to take your dumbbell bodybuilding to the next level. However, before we get into the workouts, there are a few points you must first understand. This will allow you to get the most from your dumbbell bodybuilding workouts.

First, the following dumbbell bodybuilding workouts will be total body. Now I know that this seems completely opposite of what every bodybuilding magazine and website says to do, but there is a reason why you should be using total body workouts. In the old days of bodybuilding, before steroid use was the norm, the best bodybuilders who built their physiques naturally relied entirely on total body workouts.

Some of the best natural physiques of all time were built with total body workouts. So, why would someone who is going to train without the use of steroids follow popular workouts from individuals who take steroids? They shouldn't!

Trust me on this: put 100 percent into your total body workouts, and after a couple of months you will be very pleased with the results.

Second, you will be using different repetition ranges. Even though 8-12 repetitions is the classic range to train in, there are great benefits to using heavier weight and training with lower repetitions in the 3-7 rep range. Because both are beneficial, you should use them both.

Third, make sure you train with intensity. Now I'm not talking about the "percentage of your one repetition maximum" (%1RM) intensity. Instead I am referring to how hard you push yourself on every set of every exercise. Make sure you use a challenging weight that allows you to complete the specified number of repetitions and no more. Your last rep should be hard to complete, but your form should look perfect. Other than the speed slowing down on the last couple of reps, your form should look exactly the same as your first repetition.

You won't get great results if you stop a set when you could have completed two or more repetitions. You absolutely must challenge yourself if you want to transform your body.

Okay, now that you have the necessary background information, it's time to get into the dumbbell bodybuilding workouts.

Dumbbell Bodybuilding Workout #1

1) Dumbbell Squat - 2 x 10 - 12

2) One Leg Romanian Deadlift - 2 x 10 -12 each leg

3a) Dumbbell Row with Palms Down Grip - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

3b) One Arm Dumbbell Bench Press - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

4a) Dumbbell Overhead Press with Neutral Grip - 2 x 10 - 12

4b) Standing One Leg Calf Raise - 2 x 8 - 12 each side

5a) Dumbbell Hammer Curl - 2 x 8 - 12

5b) Behind the Head One Arm Dumbbell Triceps Extensions - 2 x 10 - 12 each side

6a) Reverse Crunches - 2 x 10 - 20

6b) Plank 2 x as long as possible

Dumbbell Bodybuilding Workout #2

1) Dumbbell Bulgarian Split Squat - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

2) Dumbbell Step Up - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

3a) One Arm Dumbbell Push Press - 3 x 6 - 8 each side

3b) Chin-up or Dumbbell Renegade Row - 3 x 6 - 8

4a) Incline Dumbbell Bench Press - 3 x 6 - 8

4b) Incline Dumbbell Row with Neutral Grip - 3 x 8 - 10

5a) Dumbbell Curl - 2 x 8 - 12

5b) Lying Dumbbell Extension - 2 x 8 - 12

6a) Ab Wheel Rollout or Inch Worm - 2 x 10 - 15

6b) Side Plank - 2 x as long as possible

While you want to make sure you are fresh for every set, you don't want to take very long rest periods. Try to keep your pace up throughout the workout, and make sure you push hard and every single set.

Alternate between the two workouts. For example, on Monday you can perform Workout 1, on Wednesday do Workout 2, and then finish the week with Workout 1 again on Friday. The next week you would start with Workout 2 on Monday.

The ultimate way to get the best results in the least amount of time is to push yourself every workout. Make sure you use a challenging weight, and the next time you repeat a workout you have to do more reps with the same weight, or increase the weight you use.