Dumbell Workouts For Rapid Fat Loss
What would you say if I told you it was possible to lose fat at a rapid rate using only dumbbells and your body weight, all while spending less time working out?
Despite what you may think or have been told from magazines and websites, you can transform your body at a rapid rate and actually work out less.
The reason most people can't achieve rapid fat loss is because they don't work out properly. So, if you want to get the best results possible in the least amount of time and only use dumbbells and your bodyweight, you absolutely must follow a few simple, but highly effective, training tips. After you read the tips, you will get some sample dumbbell workouts that will produce rapid fat loss results.
Tip One for Rapid Fat Loss
Center your workouts around the best dumbbell and bodyweight exercises. This may seem like common sense, but most people do not use the best exercises. Most people only focus on isolation exercises to target "trouble spots" or areas that they think require special attention. For instance, when people want to trim and tone their stomach, they think the best exercise choices are crunches and other movements.
Well, if you want rapid fat loss, then those are not your best options. I know that sounds backwards, but I promise that those are not the best exercises to help you achieve your goals.
The best exercises for rapid fat loss (and to lose belly fat) are compound exercises that recruit the greatest amount of muscle mass at one time. Not only will these exercises allow you to burn a lot of calories while you work out, but you will elevate your fat burning metabolism for hours even after the workout is finished. That is the ultimate way to losing fat at a rapid pace.
Tip Two for Rapid Fat Loss
Use both high repetitions and low repetitions with your workouts. Most people think high repetitions with low weight is the best way to achieve fast fat loss once. Once again, this assumption is incorrect. To get the best results possible in the least amount of time, you absolutely must use lower repetitions (5-10 reps) with heavier weights and higher repetitions (11-20 reps) with lighter weight. Both ranges have their own benefits, and therefore you are better off using them both instead of just one.
Tip Three for Rapid Fat Loss
Use circuits to get more results in less time. Most people go about circuit training all wrong. They, once again, use the wrong exercises and train exclusively with high repetitions. If you use big, compound dumbbell and bodyweight exercises and perform them in circuit fashion, you will be well on your way to transforming your body in minimal time.
Rapid Fat Loss Dumbbell Workout 1
Repetitions: 6
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Lateral Dumbbell Step-ups
One Arm Dumbbell Push-Press
Chin-ups or Dumbbell Renegade Row
Inch Worm
Perform the exercises back-to-back and only rest as needed, but try to keep it to a minimum. Instead of completing a specific number of sets, your goal is to complete as many circuits as possible in 20-25 minutes. The next time you repeat the workout, complete more circuits in the same period of time.
Rapid Fat Loss Dumbbell Workout 2
Repetitions: 12
Duration: 20-25 minutes
Dumbbell Walking or Crossover Lunges
Parallel Bar Dips or Dumbbell Bench Press
Dumbbell Row with Neutral Grip
Reverse Crunches or Stability Ball Rollouts
Once again, perform the exercises back-to-back and only rest as needed. Complete as many circuits as possible in 20-25 minutes.
A great way to use these workouts is to train three days per week on non-consecutive days, and rotate between the two workouts.
For instance, you can workout on Monday with Workout 1, use Workout 2 on Wednesday, and finish the week with Workout 1 again on Friday. They next week you would start with Workout 2, etc.