Build Muscle, Burn Fat and Stop Aging
Wouldn't be amazing if you could build lean muscle - burn fat and stop aging ?
For sometime Pro athletes, movie stars, regular men believe that they will become stronger and stay young by taking H.G.H ( human growth hormone ) and they could be risking their lives.
People will spends thousands of dollars to get stronger and younger no matter the cost they don't care- and they could pay with their lives.
H.G.H is produced by the pituitary gland and as we get older we simply don't produce a lot of H.G.H and we tend to lose muscle mass and put on more fat, but there is an answer.
Without spending money on drugs their is a effective way to produce H.G.H naturally with no side effects, and that is with short but intense bodyweight workouts, it has been know that one of best H.G.H boosters is short intense sprints and better yet, is hill sprints- and this is supported by research.
A better way to build even more H.G.H is combining bodyweight exercise with short but intense sprints, vigorous exercise pushes the body to release a surge of growth hormone; eating foods that keep your blood sugar stable and getting a good night sleep H.G.H is secreted most actively at night.
As you become more fit you will still produce H.G.H even when you don't exercise.
1. Short and Intense workouts.
2. Eat low glycemic foods.
3. A good nights sleep.
Look at a sprinter- almost all sprinters have a low percent of body fat and are very lean and muscular; distance runners are usually thin and don't have much muscle.
If we look at how the sprinter trains, he trains doing sprints he doesn't run long distances and the distance runner doesn't usually run sprints.
Try it for yourself:
Find a place you can run for 15 to 20 seconds, a soccer field, football field or a track.
1. Sprint for 15 to 20 seconds- then drop down and do 10 pushups as explosive as possible then 10 mountain climbers.
2. Walk for 15 to 20 seconds- repeat over for 15 to 20 minutes.
Do the best you can with this simple and basic workout, it will work wonders!